CHRISTA: [00:00:00] So studies have been showing that. That people who have been on semaglutide alone lose 16 percent [00:00:08] of their body weight, but when in combination with this new aniline analog medication, [00:00:16] it can increase up to 23 percent of their body weight. So that's a big jump. Between 16 percent and 23%. So if people are finding that they've just been [00:00:24] stuck and they legitimately now legitimately have weight to lose, then this is a magical way to now attack it from [00:00:32] another angle at the same time so that your body is able to utilize energy more efficiently.
Welcome to [00:00:40] the wild and well, a collective podcast where we believe empowered health is your superpower. We have combined our expertise in medicine and nutrition to bring you [00:00:48] the latest research, expert insights and success stories of people on a mission to live a big life. So buckle up and get ready to learn [00:00:56] how to live wildly well.
CHRISTA: All right, welcome back to another episode of the [00:01:04] wild and well collective and today. Let's talk about the latest in weight loss medications, because I think it's really interesting when there's [00:01:12] new technology. It's always fascinating to me when, like, 1 technology is released, and then it just snowballs into more and more and more and more and more.
And [00:01:20] I get excited about these medications to help with metabolic health, because the trickle effect of if we can be [00:01:28] healthy metabolically, Then we're healthy cardiovascularly and we have less incidences of cancer and we have less incidence of brain disease. And [00:01:36] so, on top of, obesity aesthetically, there's so much more than that.
So much more than than just how we look on the outside.
[00:01:44] So, I wanted to talk about 1 that I'm bringing into my practice this week, actually, and it's called and it's currently in studies. So, 1 that I'm bringing into my practice this week, actually, [00:01:52] and it's called and it's currently in studies. In combination with some of blue tide, in fact, they are coming up with a medication that will [00:02:00] be a combination of the 2 of them.
But Cherie, I know, before we even dive into this, I know that you have had concerns in the past and have [00:02:08] mentioned, and I think you speak for chunk of people, of the concern around muscle loss with weight loss medications, et cetera.
[00:02:16] What first comes to mind when I say I'm excited about a new weight loss drug coming out?
SHEREE: I guess I come from a very holistic, natural [00:02:24] perspective. And so for me, I'm like, if you can avoid being on medication altogether, that's amazing. And so at the [00:02:32] same time, and in the same breath, I'm also very aware that there comes a point in time in the weight loss journey where sometimes you [00:02:40] cannot reignite the metabolism without Months and months and weeks and weeks and even years of hitting that reset button.
And [00:02:48] sometimes it is so much more to it. Even when we think about the food noise, which is one of the biggest things I hear from my clients when they have been [00:02:56] on things like we call it sex in New Zealand, or there's those impact. There's a variety of different weight loss drugs that people have said, wow, [00:03:04] purely being on this has stopped the noise in my head around food, which is what's made it so much easier for me to shift weight or to lose the weight.
And so I think. [00:03:12] There's this element to talk through around making sure if you are on these weight loss drugs, it's not this magical quick fix or this [00:03:20] simple solution or like the new diet pill, right? It's coming at it from a place where we're going to make sure we're hitting certain foundational pieces, [00:03:28] which we'll cover in this episode so that you aren't losing muscle mass, so that you are creating lifestyle habits and changes so that you [00:03:36] are setting yourself up.
So you are functionally healthy. Not just using this as a quick fix solution. And I know that [00:03:44] that's never something that you'd practice anyway in your clinic. And so I'm excited to pick your brains about how you set up and support people in this space [00:03:52] and what this new drug is going to be able to do for people, because I know you can get to a point where, again, even if you've been on a weight loss drug, you're not shifting [00:04:00] things.
You're not moving. And so how do we get out of this plateau? So when we think about it from that perspective, and we look at like, You can have people that come in from a [00:04:08] mindset of, well, I'm already on a whole bunch of medications anyway. Like, let's look at this from a metabolic perspective and the benefits it could have.
CHRISTA: Yeah, I think [00:04:16] people tend to be in one bucket or the other with weight loss medications, either. They're like all for it. That's amazing. Or they're like, what the heck is cheating? This is cheating the [00:04:24] system. You've got to be able to do it on your own. I struggled with that at the very beginning, a couple years ago with deciding whether or not to prescribe [00:04:32] them, whether or not to try them myself but, the fact of the matter is there's a lot of people who do try to, eat correctly, work [00:04:40] out, and there are some conditions, PCOS in women, thyroid issues even just perimenopause in women, Men [00:04:48] as well who are aging, who have jobs where they're sitting all of the time.
There's so many different factors that can be really, really [00:04:56] aggravating to people. And that's just on a look at, that's on the exterior. That's with them not feeling good in their body. But then when we look at their [00:05:04] labs, we're looking at such a high level of metabolic disorder
S. for [00:05:12] sure when it comes to, and what does metabolic disorder lead to? That leads to cardiovascular problems, that leads [00:05:20] to dementia, alzheimer's disease. There's so many downstream effects when our body Is not metabolically healthy, and yet [00:05:28] it's so hard for a lot of people to really have the willpower to eat the way that they should be eating.
It's this vicious cycle, when you're not eating well, then [00:05:36] your cells don't take up the insulin in a healthy way, and so you're constantly, you're walking around with high insulin, which, Insulin is a storage hormone, and so [00:05:44] it's near impossible to really move the needle and lose weight without really feeling restricted.
And when people feel restricted, they [00:05:52] can do it for a period of time, and then it's over, right? The cool thing about these medications is that it's really, [00:06:00] so GLP 1, which is the class of drugs that are some glutide, right? Which is ozempic, same thing. Mongero, enterozepatide, and [00:06:08] zep bound, those are all the same thing.
They're just different names for these medications. They're all driven by GLP 1, which we [00:06:16] have in our body. It's a peptide it tells our brain that we're full. It slows down digestion. It also on a cellular level [00:06:24] helps our body become more insulin sensitive. Science figured out a way to take this peptide and prolong it, make it last longer, longer [00:06:32] lasting, right?
So in that sense, I feel like, somewhat bio identical to something that already exists in our body, a peptide that already exists in our [00:06:40] body. There's peptide therapy. There's hundreds of peptides now that we've, that science has discovered and has, have been able to prolong the effects of, and so [00:06:48] we see more of the benefit of something that we already have in our body.
These peptides don't cause us to have muscle wasting. [00:06:56] In fact, we can be metabolically healthier and having the appropriate amount of insulin, an appropriate amount of [00:07:04] communication between the energy in our food and our cells if we do things right. So, you're correct in the fact that this should not be used as a magic [00:07:12] pill.
You know, it really helps people open up new doors that they may have never been able to open. Open in terms of health [00:07:20] and physical well being. But the people who are going to succeed at this, the people that are going to have a long lasting effects, the people that are going to be able to [00:07:28] taper down dosing or extend months between dosing, etc.
are the people who really take this to heart and say [00:07:36] this is a tool that's going to help take that white knuckling willpower struggle and commit [00:07:44] to the amount of protein they should be eating, the amount of exercise that they should be doing, changing the patterns of what they typically grab for breakfast, for lunch, for [00:07:52] dinner, for snacks, changing the way they approach alcohol and cravings, changing that.
In a way that [00:08:00] doesn't feel like such a struggle. Those are the people that are going to come off the other side, overall, healthier [00:08:08] overall, seeing less disease process in their lifetime.
SHEREE: Okay. So, like someone listening to this right now, I [00:08:16] love that you've addressed the fact that, some people can view it as a cheat code.
Like I've, I've never looked at it that way because ultimately you need to do what you need to do. And I am [00:08:24] always in favor of it, integrative. medical model or integrative health model, right? Sometimes you need something to hit the reset button. Sometimes it's [00:08:32] either going to take too long or we need a little bit of extra support.
Now, if someone comes into your clinic and it's like, okay, I really need to [00:08:40] lose weight. I've tried the things there's too much food noise. I've tried exercising. I've tried eating well, tried the herbs. I've done the supplements. There's a lot. [00:08:48] Riding on the fact that there may be insulin resistance or there's an underlying metabolic condition.
Is that when you'd say, okay, like, let's try one of these [00:08:56] weight loss drugs. Like at what point do you bring them in? And then how do you support a client? Through that journey so that they aren't making those [00:09:04] foundational mistakes. Because let's face it, a lot of the people we see out there that are on the Ozempics, a lot of the celebrities, a lot of the people that you're seeing in the media, [00:09:12] they've gone skin and bone.
They actually look unhealthy and people are relying on this now. And then going and eating and drinking, whatever they want, they're not [00:09:20] making those foundational life habits. And that's, what's often giving these weight loss drugs are really a bad name because you look and you go, well, they're actually Because [00:09:28] they're putting a whole lot of poison in their body, but they're skinny, quote unquote, so that they can look the part, but they're not actually [00:09:36] healthy.
CHRISTA: Oh, for sure. 100%. There are people who are taking this and, being irresponsible with it when I prescribe it, [00:09:44] I prescribe it with number one, a thorough set of blood work so that we can actually look at where they're starting, in terms of thyroid health, [00:09:52] cardiovascular health looking at lipids, cholesterol, triglycerides, looking at fasting insulin So we're looking at [00:10:00] inflammatory markers, all of that, right?
So we're looking at where we're starting. And then there's a lot of education in my office around how much protein to be [00:10:08] eating which, it's hard to get the amount of protein that you should be eating regularly, let alone when your appetite is suppressed because you are taking medications that [00:10:16] are cutting off those cravings.
But ideally for most people, it's going to be one gram of protein per [00:10:24] healthy weight in pounds. So that's a lot of protein, right? As a woman, if my weight is 115, 115 grams of [00:10:32] protein is a lot of protein in a day, especially when you don't have a ton of an appetite, but that has to be the priority and hydration.
always drill it into my [00:10:40] patients. You've got to activate the muscle. You've got to be lifting weights. You've got to be doing activities that are stimulating that muscle [00:10:48] because the scale will always reflect some muscle loss if you're losing weight, whether you're using medication or not. Because again, the medication is [00:10:56] not causing muscle loss.
It's the lifestyle that's contributing to that people who are eating. 800 calories a [00:11:04] day and half of that being non nutritive foods. You're not going to come out the other side healthier. So for people who are [00:11:12] responsible with it, you really can see that you're only focusing on foods that are nutrient dense very easily.
Because the [00:11:20] cravings for the dessert after dinner is either cut out or very minimal. You'll take a bite or two and be like, okay, that's good. Which is, [00:11:28] whereas before you may have had. of people find that they aren't craving any kind of hedonistic behavior. So over drinking alcohol, [00:11:36] either they feel terrible or they just don't crave it the way that they used to sexual promiscuity or porn, those kinds of drives that, also shown [00:11:44] to be inhibited some because You don't quite get the same dopamine hit from sugar, from shopping, from [00:11:52] alcohol, from sex, like all of those things in the bad way, right?
Not that you don't, you know, at the right dose, oftentimes you'll just have a more balanced approach to [00:12:00] all of those areas of your life, which is pretty cool. It's like, wow, I had another doctor that I'm friends with say, I [00:12:08] almost think that this is cutting edge the way that antibiotics were cutting edge in terms of increasing health span, increasing the amount of time, [00:12:16] or longevity for that matter increasing how long we can live, increasing how long we can live in a healthy way.
So, it's [00:12:24] really remarkable if we use it, but I think there's a long way to go in terms of education and with prescribers [00:12:32] being very being accountable as a teacher to people in how to then, integrate. What we know we [00:12:40] should be doing so much of healthy lifestyle of healthy foundations are actually very, very simple, yet they're really, we make it hard, [00:12:48] right?
We know how we should eat. We know that we shouldn't really be overindulging alcohol. We know we shouldn't smoke. We know we should move our body. We know we should sleep. We know we [00:12:56] should drink water. And yet to create those habits is we've made it hard because it's just difficult sometimes to make the [00:13:04] right choice.
And to really stick to those things. So, I think these medications really help release that. You can really step [00:13:12] into how you know you should be taking care of your body in a way that, that's supportive.
SHEREE: there's a new one that's come out, right? Like, and we know this [00:13:20] time of year, quite often you've set new resolutions and you get to this point in the year and they've either gone out the window, or maybe you went too hard too [00:13:28] quickly, or maybe you're being consistent and you hit a plateau.
Now, there's a lot of things you can do to shift out of that just holistically, but when we're [00:13:36] looking at these weight loss drugs, there's a new one that's come to market, right? That is helping shift people out of when they may have been taking [00:13:44] something like just ozempic on its own and actually getting the needle moving again because their bodies have been like, oh, this isn't working for me anymore.
CHRISTA: Yes. [00:13:52] people who are pretty consistent with their diet they still can find that they are plateauing, whether they're on semaglutide or [00:14:00] trisepatide, ozempic, mongera, whatever you want to call it. It's all the same thing. They're all GLP 1 agonists. Terzapotite has two peptides in it, G1P, [00:14:08] which also helps with the way that your body can utilize glucose.
So you become more metabolically efficient. However, some people still find that [00:14:16] they're plateauing at the recommended max dose. So what's exciting is that there's a new [00:14:24] drug on the market that combines it's an amylin. So amylin is another molecule in our body that's released by the pancreas.
[00:14:32] And that molecule it helps regulate blood sugar on another avenue. So when our blood sugar, our body is amazing and how it [00:14:40] tightly regulates our blood sugar. If you don't have type one or type two diabetes and your body is functioning properly, it's really a miracle.
How we eat [00:14:48] food, the pancreas releases insulin. When our blood sugar drops down, our pancreas will release what's called glucagon. So it will naturally increase our blood sugar. That's [00:14:56] why overnight when you've maybe not eaten for eight to 10 to 14 hours on an overnight fast, your blood sugar can still be regulated.
[00:15:04] However, when you have blood sugar issues, when you really need to have your body keep that blood sugar even lower than it typically is on its own, because you've [00:15:12] got some kind of dysfunction in your metabolism. what amylin does is it helps to suppress the glucagon releasing from the [00:15:20] pancreas.
This drug is called Cogrylonide, and it's currently being studied in conjunction with [00:15:28] Simoglutide. that's the drug that's being created. Now, compounded, we can already get coagulinide, which is amazing. So for my patients [00:15:36] who are on semaglutide or they're on traceptide and they really have reached this plateau, we can now add this as another [00:15:44] weekly injection and it will further the body's ability to release fat, to really utilize blood sugar in the body [00:15:52] more appropriately and not release extra endogenously from the pancreas, from the liver, right?
So studies have been showing [00:16:00] that. That people who have been on semaglutide alone lose 16 percent of their body weight, but when in [00:16:08] combination with this new aniline analog medication, it can increase up to 23 percent [00:16:16] of their body weight. So that's a big jump. Between 16 percent and 23%. So if people are finding that they've just been stuck and they legitimately now [00:16:24] legitimately have weight to lose, then this is a magical way to now attack it from another angle at the same time so that your [00:16:32] body is able to utilize energy more efficiently.
SHEREE: I love that. So it's just giving people another avenue, another tool, but at the end of the day, as long as you are [00:16:40] putting those key principles in place, and you've mentioned the protein is one of the key things that we keep, you've mentioned sleep and, making sure you're [00:16:48] hydrated, all of that sort of thing.
And so one of the key things I think to really drive home here is that when you are using these, [00:16:56] It's supporting a detoxification pathways. It's making sure you're eating to regulate your blood sugars. This is here just like a supplement is the way I see [00:17:04] it to support your body. It is not the be all and end all.
You just take this and it does the work for you. Is there anything else [00:17:12] particularly you focus on? I know you mentioned the blood work is a really big one to make sure you know where someone is at in the very beginning. Then you're obviously going to monitor that throughout the [00:17:20] journey. We're looking at making sure that these occupation pathways, there's been research to support that there is concern around these peptides with [00:17:28] the effect it can have on gut health.
Like, what are some of the things you do to make sure that. Because medication can still technically be a stress on the body, that we're supporting the [00:17:36] body in, in its utilization of this. So I've
CHRISTA: actually found the opposite. Now, some of the side effects with gut health, in terms of gut health, and some [00:17:44] of the side effects that are known can be nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, like it runs the gamut, right?
Everybody's body is different. [00:17:52] When we find the right dose, that's not too much. So when it's not too much, typically they don't have nausea. Maybe they will the day [00:18:00] after the injection, but it's mild and it's not intolerable. And they don't have diarrhea or, and they're not constipated, right?
And we find that sweet spot where they've got [00:18:08] appetite suppression, but not too much so that they're able to still eat what they should have, what they should be eating. And therefore they have the energy to do the workouts. [00:18:16] but they're not tipping the point to where they can't eat enough or they're overly nauseous.
That sweet spot right there, I find that a lot of my patients [00:18:24] tell me that their gut health is better. There's less bloating. There's less issue. And I think the reason why is because we underestimate how much to take in. [00:18:32] just junk we snack on. Even if we eat pretty healthy, we're snacking when we're making our kids lunches, or we go out and we have this bite and that bite.
It [00:18:40] really stops you from nibbling on things. And we underestimate, I think, how much we ingest of foods that are processed, that are not serving our [00:18:48] gut health. So, and just eating less, less full, more time in between gives that gut a little bit of a reset. So I would say [00:18:56] overall, most of my patients find that their gut feels better, actually, when they're on these medications, when we have the right dosing and it's not too high, it's [00:19:04] not too low.
That, that's where I find the sweet spot there. Beyond the physical recommendations, I also touch [00:19:12] base with my patients on where are they mentally? What is your motivation? And some people get in that freak out, they've lost weight and now they're petrified that they're going to gain it [00:19:20] back.
And they really get in their head about, I've got to stay Teeny, teeny, tiny or whatever, their goal or they don't want to stop. And I [00:19:28] really, recognize that in my patients that they're getting too thin of, okay, we're done. Like this is no longer a healthy situation.
[00:19:36] Now if people reach a healthy weight and they're a little worried about how do I maintain this? And I come to the approach of, you were on a blood pressure medication you were never going to get [00:19:44] off of. You were on a cholesterol medication you were never going to be able to get off of.
So in exchange, if we have to do maybe a [00:19:52] lower dose, very long term or, maybe you can go every other week or even once a month with these to get a check in and [00:20:00] keep in a new body set weight. Then, to me, that's a good trade off. If that means this medication is [00:20:08] actually at the root going to keep you healthier because your lifestyle is healthier without going back to those poor habits.
But I do think it's important then to [00:20:16] use that time when you're on these meds as you're losing weight to really ingrain in your unconscious mind, in your habits, healthy lifestyle [00:20:24] diet, healthy lifestyle movement, etc.
SHEREE: I think it's so important to just have these conversations and have someone to check in.
And I think that's one of the biggest things you've [00:20:32] mentioned is you have that connection. You're educating your clients, educating your patients to make sure that they are not just taking this and going, cool. It's a wonder [00:20:40] drug. It's a magic fix. It's what are we doing to support you in the meantime?
It's not just come in and take the injection and go home and then, like you said, checking in on [00:20:48] a mental level, because it, when it comes to weight, especially like the amount of body dysmorphia that's out there, the amount [00:20:56] of, for a lot of people, this has been a struggle for years.
There's body image issues. There is eating disorders or disordered eating. And so, [00:21:04] Sometimes we can get so fixated and not even see how lean we might be getting or how skinny or, or even just think that more is more or better is better. And it's [00:21:12] this all or nothing approach. And so it's really, really powerful that you sit with your clients and make sure that they are taken care of not only on that physical, but also that [00:21:20] mental level.
So I think that's beautiful because it is such a journey and we forget how much emotion can be involved in weight loss, how much it takes a toll on us when we look in [00:21:28] the mirror and we're like, Oh my gosh, have I put on a little bit more weight than I used to? to and as coming from someone who had such a body dysmorphia issue it's a [00:21:36] lot.
And so I think that there is, it's addressing that fear. It's making sure that that person feels comfortable and knows that there's a long term solution or a long term option, whether they want to [00:21:44] get off it or whether they don't, you can see where the person is at and then set a lifestyle up to support them either way.
CHRISTA: Yeah, and when you combine all [00:21:52] of it, it really is magic, right? Science is magic for things, but we just have to take it responsibly. And I think it's important for people who are looking [00:22:00] into this to work with somebody who is going to work with them responsibly and hold them accountable to the healthy way.
Of accomplishing your goals, but [00:22:08] in reality, why wash your clothes in the river when we have additional washer, like if life can be easier and there's a way to [00:22:16] do this healthy in a way that we're not just constantly frustrated and feeling like we just can't make a breakthrough in our health.
I find [00:22:24] it to be something that I'm happy to offer to my patients. So I hope this conversation helped. , and I like your perspective to Shari of like, well, [00:22:32] wait a minute, maybe this is, you know, I think there's pros and cons to everything, but I'm glad that we had this conversation.
And if anyone is interested in learning more about [00:22:40] adding coagulonide to their repertoire you can always reach out to me. And again, thank you all for being here.
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