Ep. 72 Original Recording
christa: [00:00:00] you'll know it's a block if it doesn't make you feel good. If there's something that you are thinking and it's a thought that makes you feel heavy or not [00:00:08] light and abundant etc it's not the truth. The truth is actually the opposite. The truth is the thought that makes you feel abundant and full of [00:00:16] love.
And because that is our true nature. So that's a good way to also kind of have checkpoints with you. Does this thought make me feel good? If it doesn't, then it's not [00:00:24] true. It's just something I've chosen to believe. The opposite. What makes me feel good is actually truth. Therefore I'm going to find evidence where this already exists and I'm going to allow it into [00:00:32] my life.
Welcome to the wild and well, a collective podcast where we believe empowered [00:00:40] health is your superpower. We have combined our expertise in medicine and nutrition to bring you the latest research, expert insights and success stories of people [00:00:48] on a mission to live a big life. So buckle up and get ready to learn how to live wildly [00:00:56] well.
sheree: Welcome back to another episode of the Wild and Wild Collective. One of the most potent topics that we [00:01:04] can talk about in terms of our health and our wellbeing is really managing our mindset. Now, we have done a number of episodes [00:01:12] on mindset management, but we're coming at it from a slightly different perspective.
New year, new goals, desires tend to come to life. [00:01:20] Excitement comes behind these, you know, someone like you're someone like myself, you've created your vision board, you get excited. Ready and rearing to go. [00:01:28] And then a few weeks in, you kind of come up against these blocks. You start to doubt yourself. You may think maybe my dreams are [00:01:36] too big.
You know, we know we're talking to high performers here. And so that imposter syndrome can come in. The beliefs start to flood. We tap [00:01:44] into, and this is what we'll talk about today in a little bit more detail. Unconsciously we tap into our subconscious and we start to operate from there. [00:01:52] And then we wonder why.
Okay. We're right back to where we were at the beginning and we're not achieving those goals. And so today we're going to talk about how we can reach that [00:02:00] desired outcome and move through some of those resistances or those blocks that can come up. So, Krista, do you want to share a little bit [00:02:08] about how this works in your world?
And I know you've been listening to a little bit of research and some new, exciting things in this field that you want to tap into [00:02:16] too.
christa: Yeah, I think what has stuck with me in the past is blocks are the breadcrumbs to the solution. So if we view and [00:02:24] become aware of our blocks and really get curious around it, oftentimes that's the breadcrumbs to the solution.[00:02:32]
So I've heard this from a man called David, named David Baer. He's pretty cool. You should look him up. He's, he's, he's, he's, He's got a great podcast as well. [00:02:40] And I really love his equation for success. And that is a desired outcome. And that could [00:02:48] be whatever. It could be weight loss. It could be a new relationship.
It could be more money, greater business, more calm in your life. [00:02:56] Whatever you want to be accomplishing, that is desired outcome. It's that plus the lack of [00:03:04] resistance. equals the desired outcome. So the equation is pretty simple. Don't block what you want. And yet [00:03:12] that's where most of the time, the reason we don't have what we actually want is because there is resistance to it somewhere.
So when you look at that, then [00:03:20] we have to focus on the resistance to what we want. And that sounds counterintuitive because well, of course I want to double my income in my [00:03:28] business this year. Of course I do. But when you dig a little bit deeper, we'll use that as an example, there's all sorts of thoughts that come [00:03:36] up when you think about that result.
Oftentimes you'll feel it in your body, a little bit of a heaviness, or, like I usually get it in my stomach, like I'll kind of feel this heavy, [00:03:44] like, And if, because part of me believes it's not true because part of me says, there's no freaking way you're going to be able to hit that goal. There's no way [00:03:52] you're not smart enough.
You're not good enough. Other people do it better. You don't have the solution. You don't know all the tax loopholes, whatever you want to come up with. [00:04:00] There was a reason why unconsciously I say, no, I actually will not do that. And then it stops. [00:04:08] And then you don't hit the other side. That to me is where the meat is, right?
Like that's where, where the work [00:04:16] begins to actually move through that piece of the equation.
sheree: A huge part of it is that Not being able to see the solution [00:04:24] we often run away from, and we know what we don't want. And so I think even taking that first initial step and going, what is it that I [00:04:32] desire and actually creating some awareness around that.
But then like you say, looking at what are you even saying to yourself on a daily basis? [00:04:40] Unconsciously, how are you having conversations? You know, let's be real for a second, continuing with the theme of money, the amount of people that [00:04:48] are having the conversation right now that I'm in amongst.
And you buy into it very easily because it's what you do. It's socially acceptable. Oh, the cost [00:04:56] of living. It's so expensive. It's this, it's that, you know, I don't listen to the news. But I was with, friends over [00:05:04] the summer holidays here and it's actually in Australia and the news was on, it was around me, it was out of my control and the amount of fear [00:05:12] mongering and the amount of things that are coming through the messages.
And so when we're To bring my point back home when we're actually thinking on a [00:05:20] day to day basis, we've got people around us. We've got the society around us. We've got news coming through. We've got so many things that are creating [00:05:28] these blocks to prevent us from reaching our desires that we have to take into account.
So we've got our subconscious. We have to work with, but we've also got those [00:05:36] other things around us, whether that's relationships that we're exposed to or in the media. That we also have to be mindful of, and you may [00:05:44] not even be bringing conscious awareness to that right now. So if you're sitting here going, I want to double my income, or I want to find the love of [00:05:52] my life this year, or I want to lose weight, but you're surrounded by people who are going, the cost of living is too expensive or the dating pool sucks.
There's no [00:06:00] good men left in the world, or it's really hard to lose weight. Well, an exercise is just not possible. If those are the thoughts that are consuming [00:06:08] your mind every single day, you can see how that's going to block you from reaching your desired outcome [00:06:16] because you're not providing your body or your mind with the evidence that the opposite is true and that you can make it happen.
christa: Exactly. When you surround [00:06:24] yourself with all of the belief. And all of the narrative that the opposite of what you want is true, then you believe that and [00:06:32] that is your block because your unconscious mind is basically like, well, that's impossible, even though we want it. And to have a really clear vision of what you want.[00:06:40]
Sometimes even that can be confusing. Well, what do I really want? I don't know. Think about what you don't want. And the opposite of that is what you want. So that's how you can quickly [00:06:48] get to your desire. What do I really want out of my life? What do I really want in a relationship? I know what I don't want.
So it must be the opposite of that. [00:06:56] I want to have more friendships. I want to have more community. I want to double my income in my business. I want to, you know, be physically [00:07:04] healthy and active. I don't want to be sitting at home sick anymore. Right? So though, then you get clear on what you want. And then when you start to [00:07:12] think about what you want, get really curious about what feelings come in, what thoughts accompany [00:07:20] that.
Well my body's always been sick. I've always been overweight. I get out of breath going upstairs. How in the heck am I gonna [00:07:28] do? Write all of those out, and then you can flip it around. I go upstairs easily. My body's healthy. I haven't been sick in a [00:07:36] year, you know, kind of flip that and then find evidence for that and write that down.
Well, I went a [00:07:44] year between ages here and here where I was perfectly healthy. I remember when I was 15, I could run up and down the stairs you know, without being out of breath, whatever [00:07:52] it is. I'm just using health examples, but. Flip it and then remind yourself of where that has been true in your life before.[00:08:00]
I can't make money turns into I can make money easily. I remember finding three quarters in my car one [00:08:08] time. Money was just there. I know it's a silly, silly analogy, but start there. Start with something small where you're like, wait, well, if that's true, then let's build [00:08:16] on that. Right. So it really is piecing apart the equation and dialing in on, wait,
where do I [00:08:24] think maybe I don't believe that this is possible. And I'm therefore holding myself back in that equation.
sheree: Yeah, it's getting really curious, right? Like, [00:08:32] bringing that curiosity to what is blocking me. To take it like Krista said, is flipping it around. And then the [00:08:40] evidence piece is the most important that Krista just mentioned, because we can write affirmations to wear blue in the face, but if there's a little voice and get [00:08:48] curious, you know, it's not just about what we're saying out loud, but it's what we're saying to our mind or to ourself every single day.
We're ultimately the observer. We [00:08:56] aren't our minds, right? And so when you say, it's possible for me to double my income, and you hear this little voice that goes, well, no, it's not getting curious about what that is [00:09:04] and what that's saying. When you are saying affirmations over and over again, you're going to notice that there's that little seed of doubt that pops in.
And [00:09:12] that's where just doing the affirmations themselves don't work. The evidence is what really helps the brain cling onto something. [00:09:20] Right. I quite often liken this to when you're trying to buy it, when you decided you want to buy a new car and you know exactly what you want. It's not that you suddenly [00:09:28] see a whole lot, like there's not that there is a whole lot more red Mercedes driving around on the freeway, it is the fact that your [00:09:36] brain has now clinged onto something it's specific, and this is why your desire has to be specific.
This is why your goal has to be [00:09:44] specific because the brain will latch onto specificity. And then we start to notice more and more evidence. Oh, look, look at that other red [00:09:52] Mercedes. Look at that red Mercedes. And you start to see them more and your brain starts to then wire, go, how do we get that? We want that.
How do we get that? [00:10:00] And so that's where things like vision boards, as much as people can pop them in the woo woo category, you're exposing that mine is my background on [00:10:08] my computer. It is my background on my phone. And you know what? The end of every year, I look through and at least 50 percent of the photos.
And I have like a hundred [00:10:16] photos on there. At least 50 percent of the photos have become true because my brain has unconsciously been finding a way to call that in. It's seen that [00:10:24] image every day and goes, how do we get there? So. Your programming or reprogramming your subconscious beliefs to move [00:10:32] past these resistant things that are blocking you.
It's not just a matter of sitting there meditating and hoping for the best because we have to find a way to [00:10:40] take action, but we also have to get really curious, like Chris has mentioned, and seeing what those blocks are, because if we don't get out of our own way, you're going to wind up in [00:10:48] 2026, 2027, 2028, wondering how life has passed you by, and you're still stuck.
christa: [00:10:56] Yes, I think also you brought up a really good point of having a vision board, if that helps you visually or writing things down, if that helps you, [00:11:04] however, it works. But don't get caught up in how it's going to happen because the brain will find all the reasons why you're not going to find it. A [00:11:12] partner, you're not going to have a big group of friends, you're not going to get to travel, your body's not going to be where you want it.
Your brain is like, I have no idea how that's going to happen. And that's [00:11:20] okay. That's not the point. You want to just trust that it's possible. And I have some little bitty [00:11:28] bites of evidence that this, you know, something similar to this has happened to me in the past. Or I see evidence that it's happening with you.
[00:11:36] Jane down the street. So it's possible, right? It doesn't necessarily have to be something with you, but you see that it's possible and you trust like, yes, this is possible for me. [00:11:44] I don't exactly know how it's going to happen, but just like you said, when you When you see that and you believe and you have no [00:11:52] resistance to that happening for you, then the frequency of the universe, which has abundance and everything is absolutely [00:12:00] possible, gets to work because you're in tune with that frequency and the communication between people, [00:12:08] the connections with people, the avenues to get what you want.
open up without you having to know at the start [00:12:16] how it happened. You'll be able to look back and be like, Oh my gosh, this happened and then this happened and then this happened, which is so awesome to look back on. But you have to be [00:12:24] willing to say, I trust the process that I don't have to know exactly how I'm going to get there, but I don't have any resistance to it happening.
I fully believe that it's possible for [00:12:32] me and we're going to go with that. Right. And then it will. And it might not happen immediately. And I think that's the other thing we think of. It doesn't happen [00:12:40] in two weeks. I saw this shirt one day and it said, I've been dieting since this morning and I haven't lost anything right.
[00:12:48] Like I'm trying so hard. And so it might not happen immediately for you, but it's every time you feel that creeping back in, like, well, shit, it hasn't [00:12:56] happened already. So it must not, it's not for me. It's not, it's really not going to happen. That's literally. like leftovers from your [00:13:04] vibrational frequency from last month or whatever.
The key is to go back to the block every single time and say, no, I resist [00:13:12] that resistance. This is not true for me. And instead, this is still true for me.
sheree: And I think you bring up a really beautiful point is that we get if [00:13:20] we're so focused on how it's going to happen, and this is where I think, and I got stuck here for such a long time and still fall back into it.
So, you know, if you're listening to this, no, [00:13:28] you're not alone, but we'll, we'll sit down or write our goals. We'll get nitty gritty, but like, this is how I'm going to force this. Is to happen [00:13:36] and it's great. It's great to have goals. It's great to have an outline, but as soon as you become overly attached to the outcome, as soon as you become overly [00:13:44] attached to the how, what are you doing?
You're creating more resistance. You're not saying, Hey, this is how I'm going to step forward. I'm going to take [00:13:52] action. Hey, universe, God, source, whatever you want to call it. I'm looking for your support right now. I'm willing to step forward and take action. And this is the plan [00:14:00] at the moment, but you're not allowing yourself to be open to possibilities or open to the opportunities to come in.
If you're so narrow [00:14:08] minded on how it has to be, if you're so attached on how it has to look. Right. That's when we limit ourselves. That's when we [00:14:16] create more resistance and more restriction. And you'll start to pay attention to this with little, little, little things, not even big goals, but you know, the amount [00:14:24] of time I remember one time driving specifically, it sounds bizarre listening to a song on the radio called siren.
And I full [00:14:32] blast. And in my brain, I was like, I wonder if I could still hear an actual siren if I was listening to the [00:14:40] song at full blast, because obviously you need to get out of the way from the fire engine or what have you. I shit you not, 30 seconds later, a firetruck like [00:14:48] literally came on really, really loud, drew a screeching past me.
And I was like, well, thank you. That answered my question. You may not [00:14:56] like see them as little nuances that are supporting you and seeing this, but that was a desire. I had a desire. There was no resistance. There was [00:15:04] no attachment. I got my desired outcome. My question was answered and you will be amazed.
It may not be like these big, big, big [00:15:12] goals that happen right there. And then, and that may not have happened that instantaneously. You know, Other instances, but just notice [00:15:20] the amount of times I'll ask a question in my brain or I'll say out loud to someone and I get the answer. And I'm like, Oh, that's right.
I [00:15:28] asked that a little while ago. Start getting curious with this because that also then provides you with the evidence that you can have what you want. [00:15:36] You can have that desired outcome when you are not attached, when there is no resistance, when you've put something out there and are going, this is what [00:15:44] I'm calling in, or this is something I would like.
And this is where it's so important. To have those positive beliefs and those positive thoughts, because [00:15:52] you also don't want to be attracting in the stuff that you're putting out there negatively all the time, right? So it's, it really is a mindset piece [00:16:00] and, and getting curious with this.
christa: Yeah. Jen Sincero, I think it's her book.
You're a badass. [00:16:08] But yes, in her book, yeah, in her book, he talks about you want love and you think it's going to be at the bar, [00:16:16] this man with a short haircut in a suit. But then, so you're negating anybody else that sits next to you unless they fit the visual [00:16:24] that you think love is in, you know, the package that it's in.
When you're not looking left to the guy in a biker outfit with a beard, [00:16:32] who's the most loving, kind, perfect person on the planet for you, because you are attached to the way it has to come. [00:16:40] The way love has to show up has to look in this package. That's just an example. And I love that one. It's true.
Like you have to say, this is my [00:16:48] intention. This is what I want. I have no, no block to it, even the way that it comes about. It might not come about in [00:16:56] like universe surprise me, like surprise me with how this is going to show up in my life. And you'll know it when it's there, even if it doesn't look [00:17:04] exactly the way that you have planned.
Sometimes it does. And sometimes it doesn't, but you'll know it when it's there. Ah, this is the love I wanted. This is [00:17:12] the relationship I wanted. Wow, he didn't look anything like what I thought. Here it is, and I've got it, and I love it, right? So [00:17:20] I think just to kind of dial in that point, like don't be attached to how it's going to happen, worried about how it's going to happen, [00:17:28] you know, letting all of that go, and watch the miracles unfold in your life by this process of [00:17:36] acknowledging that the blocks are there.
are the breadcrumbs and you'll know it's a block if it doesn't make you feel good. If there's something that you [00:17:44] are thinking and it's a thought that makes you feel heavy or not light and abundant etc it's not the truth. [00:17:52] The truth is actually the opposite. The truth is the thought that makes you feel abundant and full of love.
And because that is our true nature. [00:18:00] So that's a good way to also kind of have checkpoints with you. Does this thought make me feel good? If it doesn't, then it's not true. It's just something I've chosen to [00:18:08] believe. The opposite. What makes me feel good is actually truth. Therefore I'm going to find evidence where this already exists and I'm going to allow it into my life.[00:18:16]
sheree: And I think that's just such a beautiful thing to also drive home and something like I took my clients through a goal setting kind [00:18:24] of intention setting exercise to start the year off this year. And I said, you have to focus also on how you want to feel. That's [00:18:32] what you can embody. Like, again, to come back to your example of the love, you know, the me.
I am single and I'm so focused. [00:18:40] I'm not attached to it, but I'm so focused on, I want to be with someone that lights up my soul. I want to feel, be with someone that makes me grow, that feels expansive, [00:18:48] that feel, I feel free and not controlled by. I'm not attached to their height, their weight, their eye color, their race, like that, that.
Could not give two shits [00:18:56] about, quite frankly, it's how does that person make me feel? And if it's the same thing, if we're looking at your health, how do you want to feel in your [00:19:04] body? You know, a lot of the time we come in and it's like, I want to feel, I don't want to feel lethargic. I'm like, cool. How do we change that too?
I want to feel more energized. [00:19:12] I don't want to hate my body. How do I want to feel more confident? Like let's focus on the confidence piece. How can we embody the confidence now? Like [00:19:20] how can we be in that energy now? How do you want to feel? When you achieve these goals, because if we start to become an energetic match for [00:19:28] that, it's going to come in a lot quicker too.
So focusing on that feeling, that's also going to help you move past the resistance. What is this [00:19:36] goal going to give you? What do you think I should say this goal is going to give you? What do you think more money is going to give you? And then how can you give that to yourself in the [00:19:44] moment? Cause it'll come in, but you can also be happy.
Or you can be joyous or you can feel love without, I can feel love [00:19:52] without having a partner. I don't need that. But I know that having a partner can also expand that love and help me grow. [00:20:00]
christa: Right. Yes. I love that. I hope you as listeners can take this and really kind of break it down for [00:20:08] yourself.
And I think, you know, one approach is to create, you know, an action that you can take after listening to this podcast is to create three columns. The first column, you list [00:20:16] your desire. What do you want? Be clear on your desire by understanding what you don't want, and the opposite of that is your desire.
The second column, what is the feeling that [00:20:24] I have when I really think about that? What kind of icky, heavy feeling comes up for me? I can't have it. Somebody else has it. I don't [00:20:32] know enough. I don't know how, etc. Write all that out. And then in the third column, you want to write ways of the opposite.
I know how to do it. I know the [00:20:40] answers will come to me. And how has that evidence happened in the past? In the past, when I didn't know how to do something. I found a friend who knew exactly. I asked, you [00:20:48] know, questions, who would know that? And I found the answer, right? So you want to have the opposite and the evidence in your life.
And by having those three [00:20:56] columns and really tackling some of the things that you want for 2025 in that way, and going back to it time and time again, because this is a process, [00:21:04] you're probably going to have to remind yourself on the daily, that what you want is actually possible for you. And remembering that the blocks are the [00:21:12] breadcrumbs to what you actually want, when you deal with a block, why it exists.
Know that the evidence of the opposite is actually true. You'll find at the end of this [00:21:20] year, you've accomplished far more with far more ease, way less anxiety, by really just allowing getting out of your own [00:21:28] way and allowing the abundance to really flow to you and your health, your wealth, your friendships, your relationships, etc.
If you [00:21:36] love this episode, be sure to leave us a review, download and subscribe. If you know someone that could also benefit from this conversation, please share. That's how we spread [00:21:44] empowered health. We'll see you again for another episode of the Wild and Well [00:21:52] Collective.