Original Recording - Ep.67
Brittany Allan: [00:00:00] this study done in 2015 showed that Women taking five grams of creatine a day for 12 months Actually notice increases in their bone density, [00:00:08] which is unreal because That's a huge issue for us women as we go through menopause like having osteoporosis or different bone deficiencies and it's [00:00:16] super helpful for that and even studies around creatine supporting women who are on antidepressants as well, people who have had like huge depressive [00:00:24] disorders or episodes and it just really assisting that.
So the way that I look at it is creatine is like this booster to help boost Your [00:00:32] energy levels to help boost your brain cognition, to help boost other things that you might be taking as well, like antidepressants. it is pretty incredible.
[00:00:40] Welcome to the wild and well, a collective podcast where we believe empowered health is your superpower. We have combined our [00:00:48] expertise in medicine and nutrition to bring you the latest research, expert insights and success stories of people on a mission to live a big life. [00:00:56] So buckle up and get ready to learn how to live wildly well.
Sheree: Guys, [00:01:04] welcome back to another incredible episode of the wild and wild collective. I am so excited to be welcoming today's guest on. [00:01:12] She is the co founder of one of my absolute favorite supplements that I cannot recommend enough. You know me, I will not [00:01:20] stand behind anything. I wouldn't personally take put into my body and it's not nutritionally approved.
So we're going to welcome Brittany. Brittany is the co founder [00:01:28] of push gummies, and inseed based. Creatine Gummy brand who are on a mission to make creatine more accessible and fun. As [00:01:36] an avid gym girl with a passion for women's health, Britney was keen to ensure more women knew about the amazing benefits that they can , reap from creatine.[00:01:44]
Now, if you've been someone that has thought creatine is just for gym junkies and is not going to be supportive for you in any other way, shape, or form, [00:01:52] you are about to have your mind blown. So without further ado,
welcome, Brittany, from Push Gummies. We are so excited [00:02:00] to have you here. Do you want to start off by telling us and maybe doing a little bit of myth busting before we dive into the story of how Push [00:02:08] Gummies came about on the wonderful supplement that is creating?
Brittany Allan: Yeah, totally. Like you say, Myth busting is pretty [00:02:16] necessary when you're talking about creatine.
I think one of the biggest myths about creatine is that it's only for men, or only for [00:02:24] bodybuilders. And yeah, even for myself, like, I didn't take creatine for a long time. I've been going to the gym for, [00:02:32] a good ten years or so, but never really thought that it was necessary. for women. So yeah, I'd say that's probably one of the biggest myths out there.
It is an [00:02:40] incredible supplement for women to take and it's becoming a lot more of like a hot topic too. It's awesome to see heaps more [00:02:48] education out there and like a load more research about creatine. And I'm sure we'll get into more of that of why it's amazing for [00:02:56] women. But yeah, it is an incredible thing.
Even just to start from super basics, like a lot of people don't understand what creatine is. [00:03:04] Some people think it's like a pre workout, something that you have to take before your workout, but it's actually something that naturally occurs in your [00:03:12] body. It's an amino acid that is produced by your kidneys, your liver, et cetera, and it can be found in your muscles, your guts, [00:03:20] your brain, and it basically gives energy to all of those things.
And supplementing it is super helpful because we can't actually get enough of it in [00:03:28] our diet. You can find creatine in meat and seafood and dairy. But you'd have to eat a lot of it to be able to actually get [00:03:36] enough creatine to see the true benefits of it. So that's why taking a supplement like push gummies or like creating powder or tablets is [00:03:44] super helpful for your diet.
Christa: So how did you get started with, cause there's a bazillion supplements out there. I would [00:03:52] love to know how you dialed in on creatine, like what really sparked your interest about this and how did you then [00:04:00] create whole company on it?
Brittany Allan: Yeah, so, like I said, we I've been going to the gym for a while.
My husband and I moved to London a few years [00:04:08] ago and that was when I really got into the gym and started learning about the benefits of exercise for your mental health. I [00:04:16] think all, like, before that, I'd grown up in a household of amazing women who always struggled with diet culture and wanting to look a [00:04:24] certain way and that's always what I thought exercise was.
But Then I learned about how amazing it can make you feel and how good it is for your brain. [00:04:32] So I really got into that in London. But then my husband also goes to the gym and he would make our like protein shakes [00:04:40] before we'd go to the gym. He'd put creatine in his, and I'd be like, nah, don't put any in mine.
Cause I don't need that. thought it was just something that you [00:04:48] did to like get ripped or to, yeah, to build a lot more muscle, which I was like, I'm not really here for that. So. I'm not going to take any [00:04:56] creatine but then fast forward a few years later and yeah, and I actually started, I got really interested in women's health.
Sheree [00:05:04] and I have actually talked about this before, about like amazing, like menstrual health books, period books, like Period Power by Maisie Hill, which is [00:05:12] one of my absolute favorites. I learned a lot more about my own body. And that was even when I started researching [00:05:20] creatine and different supplements that I could be taking to support my training, to support my mental health.
And just the more and more I researched [00:05:28] on creatine, the more I was convinced that it's amazing for women and that it would be really good for me to try out. So I tried [00:05:36] it out, started taking powder. This was only like a couple of years ago and then yeah, we started talking about what do we want to do [00:05:44] in our future, like let's start a business.
What do we want to focus on? And we noticed this gap in the market. There's obviously a lot [00:05:52] of gummies out there like, collagen gummies or vitamin c gummies or yeah, you can get any kind of supplement in a gummy But we noticed that [00:06:00] there especially in new zealand, which is where we're based there weren't any creating gummies out at the time There were some starting to come out in the [00:06:08] States.
I think there were a couple in Australia at the time. So yeah, we decided to develop a product that would basically [00:06:16] help me to actually take creatine every day. Because that was the main thing that I learned was that you need to be taking it every day to actually see the benefits and the [00:06:24] results from it.
Sheree: It's so interesting. I was exactly the same and it's for bulking. Oh, I've heard about the water retention. It [00:06:32] causes like, why would I take that? And even as a nutritionist, I'd be like to people, no, don't worry about it. Like it's, there is really no [00:06:40] benefit. And it's funny that you bring up the mental health side of things because.
I noticed, I only started taking it when got sent, [00:06:48] actually when I was over in the States, I got sent some. And to be honest with you, I wasn't a huge fan because I had a lot of nasty other ingredients, which is one of the reasons I love [00:06:56] push. But it was, Aside from the fact that I had the artificial sweetness, which I'm not a fan of, it actually, the difference it made in my mental [00:07:04] clarity, and relieving some of the brain fog, and like, actually just mental sharpness, I was like, beyond the fact this is helping me at the gym, because I [00:07:12] love lifting heavy, I love lifting weights, and, I do feel like I'm getting stronger.
I noticed, I physically noticed my brain on the [00:07:20] days I didn't take it. And so like you say, it should be something that you're taking every single day. It's not just the days that you train. It's not just the days that you work out or [00:07:28] lift heavy. It's one of those supplements you can actually take and probably should be taking every single day.
Do you have advice for people around timing [00:07:36] or have you researched what kind of creatine is to be taken in regards to workouts as well? So,
Brittany Allan: Yeah, again, like [00:07:44] the only time you should be taking it is just whenever you're going to remember and with the, like without gummies it's easy to remember because you look [00:07:52] forward to it.
That was where I was struggling with the powder. And honestly, like some people are just amazing at taking creatine powder every day and they've got their like, [00:08:00] Ritual, they've got their routine on lock, and so, like honestly, kudos to them and continue doing that, but yeah, you can take it any time of the [00:08:08] day it's just important to take it every day.
That's probably one of the biggest questions we get through our Instagram is, People wondering [00:08:16] when they should take it. Should it be before a workout? Should it be after? I've even been trying, like, testing out, especially, like you say, with the brain fog thing [00:08:24] and the mental stimulation side of creating.
I've been trying out, I always was taking my gummies, like, [00:08:32] at night time but I've been trying out, like, first thing in the morning. So I'll go to the gym. I'll come home and have breakfast and then start my work day. And that's [00:08:40] actually been helping me a lot. I think it's also, I don't know if it's placebo too, of like you taking creatine and then you're like, now I've [00:08:48] got more energy or like more focus, but it does, it definitely does help.
So the main thing is take it every day.
Christa: Can we break down [00:08:56] creatine? How does it help muscle mass? How does it help? change brain [00:09:04] chemistry. you mentioned decreasing brain fog, more mental clarity. Yeah. So a little bit about how it works and [00:09:12] why it's important for women, just as important for women as for men.
Brittany Allan: Yeah, totally. It's basically something that [00:09:20] provides more energy to the cells in your body through a process called ATP and So it is yeah amazing in [00:09:28] terms of help like giving your muscles the energy to work harder at the gym Even like helping with the recovery helping [00:09:36] like assist inflammation.
There's just more and more studies coming out, especially like related to women which is so awesome. And like, we [00:09:44] obviously love to see that. But even one study that I read recently was done in 2015 in Canada. And it [00:09:52] showed, post menopausal woman. So obviously, when we go through menopause, our progesterone drops off and our estrogen drops off and we stop [00:10:00] producing those things and those things are super helpful for us in terms of maintaining and building muscle and maintaining and building our bone [00:10:08] density.
But this study done in 2015 showed that Women taking five grams of creatine a day for 12 months [00:10:16] Actually notice increases in their bone density, which is unreal because That's a huge issue for us women as we go through menopause [00:10:24] you know like having osteoporosis or different bone deficiencies and Yeah, it's super helpful for that and even studies [00:10:32] around creatine supporting like women who are on antidepressants as well, people who have had like huge [00:10:40] depressive disorders or episodes and it just really assisting that.
So the way that I look at it is creatine is like this [00:10:48] booster to help boost your immune system. Your energy levels to help boost your brain cognition, to help boost other things that you might be taking as [00:10:56] well, like antidepressants. Yeah, it is pretty incredible.
Christa: Yeah, so on a cellular level then, it's helping increase the production of [00:11:04] ATP.
Yes. Which we know ATP is the energy currency. So in terms of that, then it's nondescript because if it's helping to [00:11:12] build bone, ATP for everything. So bone muscle, as well as brain clarity. That makes sense. We have more energy in all of the cells. All of those cells [00:11:20] are stronger, more.
In terms of the study, and I don't know if you have it off hand, but was that in combined with exercise or was it [00:11:28] creatine alone increased bone density and bone health? Or was that more like these individuals were doing creating in addition to. [00:11:36] Exercise like, I guess the bottom line is I'm asking, does creatine work best in conjunction with exercise in terms of bone health and muscle health?
Brittany Allan: [00:11:44] No, I think, like, I'm not actually sure with that exact study but a lot of the studies that I have read have like, even just showing [00:11:52] people who aren't exercising and just taking creatine, because again, another one that I read recently in regards [00:12:00] to the mental health side of things and the brain cognition side of things even for elderly people who weren't exercising and doing, like, [00:12:08] memory tests.
Just showed huge increases compared to the people in the study who had taken a placebo. So that is like, [00:12:16] we're even like my dad is 76. He is like at the gym every day, absolutely killing it. And he's taking creatine and has for a [00:12:24] long time as well. Like, and For him, I just don't see any issues with memory, there's things like that, that will obviously start happening as [00:12:32] we get older but yeah, it also seems to help that sort of thing as well.
Christa: I have a million questions. I want to ask a little [00:12:40] bit about the, taking it daily and this might come back to some of the myths, some of the facts about it. But in terms of, [00:12:48] hydration, like how important it is. hydration when you're taking creatine, because in my studies of creatine, it [00:12:56] can create more water retention within the muscle, which the appearance of being larger, which is always a good thing.
And so, [00:13:04] hydration and then also loading. So is it have to load, meaning do we have to have several days or a week of [00:13:12] tripling that amount? So let's say 15 grams at the beginning. And then start the five grams or can we just start being [00:13:20] really consistent with the five grams and is five grams necessary or can women do less three grams?
I'm just curious about around taking it.
Brittany Allan: [00:13:28] Yeah, totally. Yeah. So to to your point around water retention and hydration yeah, definitely really [00:13:36] important to stay even more hydrated with Taking creatine. Obviously people recommend that you take like eight glasses of water or [00:13:44] two liters of water a day.
Just naturally, but when you are taking creatine, you definitely need to up that to even two and a half liters or three [00:13:52] liters a day. Yeah, like you said, Krista, it does pull water into your muscles. So if you're not getting enough water, then you are going to be more [00:14:00] dehydrated by taking creatine.
So that is. super important. And yeah, in terms of the loading phase, the [00:14:08] yeah, again, I think it's almost like a personal choice. We have a lot of like athletes that we work with who take 10 grams, 15 grams, 20 [00:14:16] grams of creatine a day. I think it also depends on what your creatine stores are already like.
Like for us women, we have lower [00:14:24] creatine stores than men, so we can benefit even more from supplementing creatine. But Yeah, it's just about getting your body [00:14:32] to a saturation point and a good level of creatine in your body and that's when you start seeing the results. So you can load if you want to, if [00:14:40] you want to get to that place quicker.
And then you might see even more results within a week or two. But with most people, we recommend [00:14:48] that they do take, yeah, five grams a day or like you say for women, eight Less if they want to it's like trialing it out and seeing how it works for [00:14:56] your body because some people definitely do get some of the bloating, from creating powder, especially and so you just have to listen to your own body and find out [00:15:04] what works for you
Sheree: It's so interesting that you say that we have lower stores.
I'm wondering if you can touch on that a little bit more and expand [00:15:12] on that. So I know you said we can top up our stores a little bit quicker, but then, to Chris's question as well. And it obviously is a [00:15:20] trial and error thing, but if we've got lower stores, is that a good thing? It's, is it about bringing it up to that and then like, do you know why we have lowest [00:15:28] doors or anything like that?
I actually don't.
Brittany Allan: There's so much stuff that I'm always like, Oh man, there's even more [00:15:36] reading that I need to do and like information that I need to find out. But yeah.
Christa: It makes sense. We're smaller. It makes sense. Organs [00:15:44] are probably smaller. Yeah. Right. It makes sense.
Sheree: And so like, there's the, again, like the little gym junkie in me [00:15:52] goes, okay, well you cycle creatine, you take a month, take it for a month, you take it off for a month, you take it for a month, you take it off for a month, you might do a few months and then, if you're going through [00:16:00] a building phase or what have you, and what you're really saying is that the research supports us taking it every single day and it's more of a [00:16:08] cumulative effect because of what it can do for the body.
Brittany Allan: Yeah, a hundred percent. And then also, like, like we just mentioned before, it's not [00:16:16] something. It's not only something to be taking if you go to the gym, so if you're wanting to see the benefits of it for like brain fog or [00:16:24] other things cognition, your bone density, et cetera, then yeah, it is helpful to be taking it every day.
And again, it's just listening to your body [00:16:32] because we have different customers like and people in our community who will message and it may not may not work for them. And so that's [00:16:40] fine. It's not going to be a supplement for everyone.
Christa: What kind of side effects can people. Maybe experience.
I've been taking it for a while [00:16:48] now. I haven't noticed any side effects that I didn't like, but do you know of any side effects that people should look out for or anybody, any [00:16:56] individuals who should not take creatine?
Brittany Allan: The main, again, in terms of like myths and things like that, or side effects [00:17:04] that people could potentially Experience.
I think most of it is around your gut and bloating and things like that. We have had [00:17:12] quite a good response from people saying like, because we use pectin in our gummies, so, which is fiber. So [00:17:20] we find that a lot of people are like finding it a lot easier to digest their creatine with a gummy because of that.
So that's helping the [00:17:28] bloating side of things but yeah, there are other, like, there's some people out there who think that it might affect your, like, [00:17:36] liver function or your kidney function but again, when you delve deeper into that research, it shows the, [00:17:44] like, the levels of creatine that were found in people's urine in those tests.
Like, made it seem like their kidneys [00:17:52] weren't creatine properly, there's just a lot of like, there is definitely some negative stuff out there but from what [00:18:00] I've seen of the benefits and and again, other research that shows how helpful it is I haven't seen any issues with that.[00:18:08]
Sheree: A lot of the time in the blood work to you, you can get those high levels of those false positives of the of the effects of the kidneys when it's actually [00:18:16] just, you've got a higher muscle turnover, you've got a higher muscle breakdown because of your training load. And so it's not necessarily a direct effect of taking the creatine.[00:18:24]
It's actually because you may be a training loads increased, maybe you're getting stronger or there's some other factors to consider. And so there are other tests that I can't remember the names off the top of my head, [00:18:32] but. That you can go and get done just to rule out that it's not actually affecting the kidneys.
So I think if people are a little bit concerned about that, we've always got other options to delve a [00:18:40] little bit deeper versus thinking that maybe the supplement isn't supporting you. It's always important, obviously, to listen to your body, but I think it's also really important to [00:18:48] be super educated about this in the sense that, like you said, there are so many myths surrounding it.
It's actually been, when I was doing the research on this for a blog, I was [00:18:56] writing it's been studied for over 50 years. Like it's one of the most studied supplements and one of the safest supplements to be taking. [00:19:04] So when we think about side effects, to talk to Chris's question They're, aside from the bloating or like the water retention that people might feel a little bit apprehensive about, [00:19:12] from what I could see and from what the research supports, there's absolutely like nothing else but positives.
Yeah. And then if you've got something like the gummies where you're not having [00:19:20] to chug down this thick, gluggy paste that, you can barely stomach and like, I just gifted my powder away. I was like, I'm done with this. [00:19:28] I don't want that. There's so easy to take. So that compliance becomes very, very easy.
And like you said, it looks, it ends up being a little treat. I've been traveling, taking them [00:19:36] in the morning. But I do normally have them after my workout and I'm like, Oh, yum. Or you can
Brittany Allan: sometimes we'll just space it out like [00:19:44] one in the morning, one in the afternoon, one in the evening, but that's too hard.
Christa: I wanted to go back a little bit to the blood work because [00:19:52] I also have had concerns with patients like, okay, is their kidney function high? Because we look at something, you creatinine, [00:20:00] which. Sometimes creatinine can be somewhat elevated taking creatine and that's the clearance of the kidney.
But I just wanted to circle back really quickly on that, [00:20:08] that as long as your electrolytes look healthy, your BUN and creatinine are one element. But cystatin C is another one, another [00:20:16] test that you can request if you're taking creatine to add on to that. It's a little bit more of an advanced marker in the kidneys so that You're looking at all of it.[00:20:24]
So you can just like decipher, okay, is there literally something wrong with the organ? Or is this just a reflection of what's happening? And then, yeah, like you said, doing a [00:20:32] urine test too can show kidney function that way too. So I think as long as, if you're taking it and you tell your provider that you're [00:20:40] taking it could be helpful to say, Hey, can you also add like a statin C And, just thoroughly look at electrolytes and overall kidney function.[00:20:48]
I think is that being said, I would say in my mind, if someone has kidney dysfunction, it might be maybe a [00:20:56] supplement that you don't take regularly just because it does add a burden. It's another, it's something else that we have to, kidney patients generally know and [00:21:04] have a list of medications they shouldn't be taking, et cetera.
But it sounds like for the most part. It's a really well [00:21:12] studied, powerful, amazing supplement. And it's wild to me that it's just now over this past, I don't [00:21:20] know, a decade, maybe even less coming full circle for women to say, Hey, this is something for me too, because I think a lot of women were in the bucket that [00:21:28] you said.
Oh, I don't need to take that. That's something that my partner takes because he's a guy and he wants big fat souls. And that's just not [00:21:36] something that I'm doing. I'm not a bodybuilder, et cetera. And it's just interesting that there has been so much research around it and there's so many more benefits on.[00:21:44]
Muscle mass. And let's be real, unless we're really taking something external, most women are not going to be super [00:21:52] bulky despite how much they lift. Cut, lean, one thing, but big, bulky, no. Most of us, unless you're [00:22:00] taking something extra are not going to achieve that.
Brittany Allan: Exactly. Yeah, that's exactly.
Yeah. And that's why we wanted to try to make [00:22:08] our Product as accessible as possible like even just the colors that we've chosen or the ingredients that we've chosen as well [00:22:16] Yeah, like you say Cherie. I know that's one of your Favorite things about our gummies, which I love but we wanted to yeah [00:22:24] Like to be able to have everyone take it people who are gluten free people who are vegan People who don't want to be taking sugar etc.
[00:22:32] So That's why we chose the ingredients that we've chosen and literally just have five ingredients creatine, pectin, [00:22:40] xylitol, a sweetener, and I can't even remember what the fifth one is.
As I started [00:22:48] listing it, I was like, I don't even know what the other one is. Yeah, anyway [00:22:56] yeah, exactly. That's good.
Christa: That's awesome. And then each gummy is five grams or how much is in one
Brittany Allan: gummy? So three gummies gives you [00:23:04] five grams. So yeah, it's about like 1. 67 grams per gummy. Which is a lot like in each gummy.
Again, we [00:23:12] had someone the other day message us asking if we would ever make just a single gummy with five grams of creatine in it. But I, Just replied [00:23:20] saying it would have to be a huge gummy to, cause you had to obviously let it sit as well. So you need other ingredients in [00:23:28] there to gel it together.
But yeah, that was a good question.
Sheree: I'm such a, it's hilarious. I do this with my dinners and everything. [00:23:36] Like I'd much rather have more of something. Yeah. Bigger thing. Like I do this with like my, if I'm ever making burgers or something, I'd much rather [00:23:44] have two small burger patties. One bun on the bottom, then have one large burger patty and one burger.
Like that is how my brain works. So [00:23:52] the fact that I get just
Brittany Allan: one, I'd be cutting the
Christa: [00:24:00] opposite with me though. Like I think around Halloween, you have the same. Snack sized snicker bars. And I think I'll just have one. Well, I'll just have another one. Oh, I'll just have another one. [00:24:08] And then you realize I just had a full candy bar.
Like what reverse engineering a problem here. But yeah, I agree. Like [00:24:16] a three of something is yummy. And how did you come up with a name push? I'm curious how, where did the name evolve?
Brittany Allan: We had a [00:24:24] huge list of terrible names and it's funny when you're starting a brand and I feel like Yeah, all names [00:24:32] just sound bad.
And so even with push, we were like, is this going to hit? Like, is this going to go well, but we, yeah, we just, our [00:24:40] brand guy, Harry, like he is, yeah, he's amazing. And he. Put it in like a cool font and we're like, yeah, this is going to be the [00:24:48] one and yeah, and it's helpful. It is. It's a good like description of what we want people to be doing with their creating.
It [00:24:56] does help you push harder in the gym. It does help you push yourself mentally, et cetera. So yeah it is a good description of of the brand. [00:25:04]
Sheree: Yeah. And I never really thought about that. It's just like, it's just stuck in my head. It's catchy too, like it's easy, it's straight, it's direct, it's [00:25:12] to the point.
Brittany Allan: But it, yeah, it is funny because, yeah, you just get used to a brand name, don't you? Like even Nike or something like that. It sounds weird at first, but [00:25:20] then once that brand becomes bigger, you're like, oh yeah, that makes sense.
Christa: Yeah.
Sheree: Now you talked about the, like, [00:25:28] Postmenopausal and perimenopause and like how the body can be benefited from that.
A lot of the research I've seen is also around how it can be helpful in [00:25:36] terms of hormonal balance, particularly in like your luteal phase and even some PMS relief. Like, can you talk to that a little bit? Cause I know for women [00:25:44] that are struggling with hormonal fluctuations, like most, most women are in all the different phases of life.
How does the creatine come [00:25:52] into play there?
Brittany Allan: Yeah, the, like the most research that I've done is in regards to yeah, in regards to creatine for post [00:26:00] menopausal women and in terms of their muscle mass and bone density.
Sheree: Some of the stuff that I've seen is in terms of like, how it can, like, we've talked about the brain function [00:26:08] and how it can offset some of the fatigue. So, like, when we think about our luteal phase and we think about the latter half of our cycle, that's often where the brain fog will kick in, [00:26:16] right?
Or, like, the period comes along and you're like, ugh, like, I've got, I call it period brain. And so, The difference in taking the creatine in that latter half [00:26:24] of the cycle can be really, really helpful for that. I can also be like helpful in stabilizing the mood, like the mood swings as well. So. Yeah. I think when we [00:26:32] think about it again, , come from this place where it's just for gym junkies, it's just for like lifting heavy and seeing that it can help from the mood [00:26:40] regulation and from the brain health is just massive to me.
Like, it absolutely blows my mind that there's a supplement out there that can do so much just for up here, [00:26:48] for our cognitive performance and cognitive function. 100 percent so good. And
Christa: it sounds like there's not really an age limit to it, right? Kids and their teens can [00:26:56] get all the way up to the elderly.
It's safe for a wide range of age group as well.
Brittany Allan: Yeah, 100%. Yeah. And especially the elderly side of [00:27:04] things, like I say my dad is getting older and, like, I'm just in that stage of life where like all of my friends, their parents are getting older [00:27:12] and it's so cool to see that there's a supplement that we're all taking that our parents can take too, and that can help [00:27:20] them like, because as you get older in terms of your muscles deteriorating and you having more falls or like I mentioned the cognitive stuff [00:27:28] around memory loss and things like that's all the stuff that you definitely don't want to see like your parents go through and have to deal with.
[00:27:36] So anything that can help support that and give the muscles and their brain some longevity and some support, then yeah, I'm [00:27:44] all for that.
Christa: love that. So this is more of a personal question to roll into what a lot of our listeners [00:27:52] experience. It's like trying to accomplish something big in life, and I would say that starting a product, it can be stressful.
How did you [00:28:00] manage How do you manage just your own personal health amongst stress and pushing limits and your own boundaries, et cetera? [00:28:08] what kind of takeaways would you want to leave with us around how you manage your own health and be wildly and well, right? [00:28:16]
Brittany Allan: Yeah, exactly. Wild and well. Yeah, I think it's a big, it's a huge priority for me now.
Cause like I said, I always thought that [00:28:24] exercise was just to help you look a certain way. And then once I learned more about how much it helps support your mental [00:28:32] health and and even just like your resilience during the day, then that, that helped me a lot. But yeah, for me, it's a big priority to [00:28:40] exercise and to eat well and to.
Drink as much water as possible. Yeah, I drink a lot of water, which I just [00:28:48] enjoy, which is good. I don't really understand that when people are like, Oh, I didn't drink any water today. I'm like that's not me at all. I cannot [00:28:56] handle, like I literally have my drink bottle next to me now and I keep wanting to grab for it.
It's just a habit now, which is good. But yeah, so I try to, I [00:29:04] do strength training at the gym at least three or four times a week. I haven't been like, since I started Working for myself earlier this [00:29:12] year, I was trying to go to the gym in the afternoon and I really loved that, but now I'm going in the morning again and I was like, Oh, I forgot how good it is [00:29:20] for your brain.
And like I say, that resilience of getting through your day and like you mentioned, Krista, just yeah, having big problems that you need to solve and [00:29:28] a company to run. It definitely helps you. Cognitively and to be super focused for the day. So yeah, I'm loving getting back into the [00:29:36] gym in the morning and yeah, and obviously just trying to get as much protein as possible.
Taking my creatine every day. Those are the only two [00:29:44] things that I really supplement with plus like a chase tree or some other sort of hormonal support, which I love. But yeah, those [00:29:52] sort of things really helped me to do the best job possible in our company.
Sheree: Amazing. Well, thank you so much for your time, Brittany, and coming [00:30:00] on and educating on a supplement that I think, and a product that I think should be in everyone's hands, especially females.
And I think the beautiful thing with this is [00:30:08] like we've talked about, it can start at any age or stage and just continue into it and the difference it can make, particularly when you take it over time and you do shop consistently and [00:30:16] you've made it. Possible for people to actually want to take it and enjoy it every day.
And I've just tried the green apple ones, which I love apple flavored anything. So when I saw that those came out, [00:30:24] I was like, yes, please. Yeah. Everyone's amazing. But green apple is always going to be my favorite. So thank you so much [00:30:32] for your time. Where can people find you find your product? I believe I saw it's like not just available in New Zealand.
Is that correct?
Brittany Allan: Yeah, correct. [00:30:40] So, yeah, our website is pushgummies. com or at pushgummies on Instagram. Yeah, we're shipping. We're in New Zealand. We have a [00:30:48] warehouse here. We're in Australia and have a warehouse there. And we're also shipping to the U. S. now from Australia. Yeah, so our U.
S. audience [00:30:56] can start taking those and in January we'll be launching in the U. K. too. So, yeah, starting to get the gummies. Around the world, which is [00:31:04] very exciting.
Sheree: That is fantastic. I'm so excited for you and you'll be able to try them, Krista.
Brittany Allan: Yeah. I was going to say, please send me [00:31:12] your details, Krista.
I'll get a couple of bags sent out to you for you to try. I love that.
Christa: Thank you so much for being here. I think it's amazing [00:31:20] to share this kind of information. And I hope that, after this conversation, more women try push gummies and creatine in [00:31:28] general, and understand the benefits that it's not just for men.
It's for us too.
Brittany Allan: Exactly. Thank you guys so much.
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