Morgan Fava - Original Recording Ep.61
Morgan Fava: [00:00:00] that mindfulness piece, creating some sort of practice. And how much can you make your day intentional? I believe that life [00:00:08] is our ceremony. And if we are intentional and present throughout the day, that there's sacredness in every day.
And so [00:00:16] it's, can I be less distracted? And that looks like. Discipline, which to me leads to devotion. And when we're walking in devotion, we're [00:00:24] always going to be drawn to our path of alignment, which is going to continue to lead us towards the path of purpose.
[00:00:32] Welcome to the wild and well, a collective podcast where we believe empowered health is your superpower. We have combined our expertise in medicine and [00:00:40] nutrition to bring you the latest research, expert insights and success stories of people on a mission to live a big life. So buckle up and get [00:00:48] ready to learn how to live wildly well.
Sheree: Hi guys, welcome back to another [00:00:56] beautiful episode of the Wild and Well Collective. Today's guest is than Morgan Fava, a transformative coach and [00:01:04] intuitive guide dedicated to helping women uncover their true purpose and live authentically, with a deep understanding of the struggles many [00:01:12] face, fear, limiting beliefs, procrastination, and self sabotage.
Gotta get an amen if you can feel those. Morgan [00:01:20] empowers women to embrace their power unapologetically. She believes that every woman deserves to step into her full potential, declaring [00:01:28] boldly, I get to have it all, and I don't have to pick and choose. Through her coaching, Morgan provides the tools and support necessary for women to align [00:01:36] with their purpose and live fully in their dharma.
In addition to her coaching work, Morgan serves as a compassionate death doula, guiding individuals and their [00:01:44] families through the end of life journey. She helps create a peaceful and conscious transition, honoring the sacredness of both life and death. Morgan's unique [00:01:52] approach integrates her insights from both realms, allowing her to bridge the gap between living fully and dying peacefully.
By aligning her purpose with these [00:02:00] two vital roles, Morgan Morgan stands as a beacon of light and darkness, guiding women to embrace their lives while also supporting themselves in each death and rebirth cycle [00:02:08] they move through. Her mission is to empower others to live fully and die with grace, ensuring that both journeys are infused with meaning and [00:02:16] intention.
Quite an interesting topic of conversation for today's podcast. And I'm so excited to dive in.
Morgan Fava: It has been a [00:02:24] journey and continues to be one. And I think even since we first connected, it has evolved and grown since then as well. [00:02:32] There's sort of two pathways to the work that I do at this moment.
And they also intersect. I'm a death doula and a soul [00:02:40] doula, so always working in the field of either death and rebirth, whether it's in the physical or in the liminal space, [00:02:48] metaphorically, because we're constantly in transition and growth and expansion. And it's been my own personal journey [00:02:56] that has.
Been a catalyst to this. I grew up with a single dad, the oldest of five [00:03:04] kids. My mom left when I was 11. So I grew up really early and took on that role of mother and didn't have mother [00:03:12] really present, which led to a lot of self sacrifice and self abandonment. And when I went through my [00:03:20] Saturn return at 26, 27, I had a massive awakening, which just sent me on this path of self exploration [00:03:28] and really unlearning which led me to first start my work as an inner child coach and helping [00:03:36] women specifically healing through parent wounds and inner child work.
And that still ties into everything that I do, but it has just continued to [00:03:44] expand and evolve beyond that. Thank you. And then in 2020, I experienced what I consider at this point [00:03:52] in my life, the deepest grief that I walked through until now, until this moment. And my Nana had passed away and she was the closest thing I ever [00:04:00] had to mom.
So it was like losing a parent. And through that grief, it led me into the death work. And so I've been [00:04:08] deeply emerged in that and for those who don't know, death doula or death worker, I work with those at end of life [00:04:16] who have either received a terminal diagnosis or are just in planning because the joke is that 10 out of 10 of us are going to die.
[00:04:24] And, it's a conversation that we often avoid or we, side, sidestep and. And so it's my deepest passion in [00:04:32] that space to bring ceremony and ritual back to death and to honor it in a more natural way in a return to what [00:04:40] once was by having at home deaths and rituals and honoring those who are in transition [00:04:48] and Working through grief and even bringing some psychedelics into the space for those who have death anxiety or for the families and [00:04:56] grief post humus and also having more natural burials.
There's so many other options that are less harmful and toxic to the [00:05:04] environment, but there's a lack of education and awareness around it at this moment. And so that's that half of the work and [00:05:12] I knew it would always kind of circle back to the other side. And so it was like, okay, where do these two worlds collide and meet?
And in my own [00:05:20] process of unearthing this role as a death worker through astrology through my own inner child healing, it was like, Oh, this is the [00:05:28] work that I came here to do. Like it's written in every. Star chart, human design, like it aligns with, this is what my [00:05:36] soul came here to do. And it feels so good to know that, and I know it will continue to grow.
And so the calling on the other side of this work to me [00:05:44] is to help women move through their self doubt, move through their limiting beliefs of knowing that they're here to [00:05:52] do beautiful and big things, no matter what that looks like. And to really fully step into that and feel empowered to do that work [00:06:00] through.
Moving past the limiting beliefs of, too much, not enough, unworthy. And so now I have these two beautiful sides of the work [00:06:08] that I do and continue to learn and grow through it myself.
Christa: Wow. That's amazing. I love it. So really you do have two different. [00:06:16] Practices really. Yeah. So, and I think it would be amazing to touch on both.
I think what's going to be probably most [00:06:24] powerful is to talk about those limiting beliefs and I think it's interesting how you said metaphorically dying, really leaving and laying [00:06:32] down a part of you and moving forward in more of your power, I think is a big challenge for a lot of [00:06:40] people.
And. You don't even know the power that we have. Human beings, we're all powerful, right? Like each one of us has our own [00:06:48] unique purpose. And the human race is just so, each individual is so powerful. And I think that most people walk around without [00:06:56] any knowledge of that. And so I would love to dive into that a little bit.
Like, how do you. What approach do you take when you are [00:07:04] working with women who are just walking through life, unaware, blinded to their power and their purpose?
Morgan Fava: Yeah, I think for a lot of the women that [00:07:12] come to me, it's, there's some recognition within self of like, whether it's in a dream or just a knowing of like, I know there's something more [00:07:20] here for me.
Right. And that's often like what I hear the words reflect, like, I know that there's something here. Like I know I'm gifted and I agree a [00:07:28] completely, like we all have this unique blueprint and we're all meant to rise into that. That's how we collectively expand and grow is by everyone [00:07:36] being uniquely expressed in their gifts.
And so for women who are. Maybe not fully aware or awake into it. I love to look [00:07:44] at astrology gene keys. Like, I love to pull from these sources. I think that they are just a beautiful [00:07:52] tool to get a reflection of self. I don't see anything as being bad in them. And I don't see it as like this fixated [00:08:00] story that we tie ourselves to, but it's just a jumping off point.
I Akashic records practitioner. And so [00:08:08] that's often where I begin. I open up their blueprint, look at pieces, we pull in words, we pull in energies. I love [00:08:16] to look at Chiron, our wounded healer. It's like, this is the place we often start to then get a direction of, okay, this is the thing I came to heal [00:08:24] within myself, which then I get to express as this reflection to the collective.
And then we go on the records and it's like looking at [00:08:32] What are those things that are blocks right now? What are these limiting beliefs? And in my experience of working with many, many women over the last, five, [00:08:40] six years, I think there's always this underbelly of unworthiness that we collectively have.
And a lot of things can be deduced down to that of [00:08:48] whether it's, the feelings of too much. The feelings of being seen, of being heard, not feeling enough and all of that [00:08:56] boiling down to like some form of unworthiness. And so I like to first, what I call is like awakening [00:09:04] awareness is bringing up the pieces.
We don't know what we don't know. And so we first have to bring awareness to it and that can be deeply uncomfortable. [00:09:12] And then we look at the beliefs that are there. What are the limiting beliefs that are in the way? I like to look at parts work, like internal family systems, [00:09:20] and, those parts that are there, those belief systems, they came from some level of wanting to keep us safe or protect us.
And they [00:09:28] did likely in a moment of, trauma or something that we experienced, especially early on. And so it's like, okay, let's be the [00:09:36] observer. Let's get curious. What are these beliefs? Where did they come from? What are they rooted in? And to me, the whole journey is about having compassion for [00:09:44] self.
Can I walk in self compassion? Can I have grace for where I'm at in this moment? And some days it's going to feel really great. And [00:09:52] other days it's going to feel like it's a big fat mess again.
Sheree: I hear that. And I think it's beautiful with the element of like you said, self compassion that you can [00:10:00] bring to yourself with awakening our awareness to these parts of ourselves, to potentially the, Things we've experienced in past [00:10:08] lifetimes to, if that's something that resonates with you, if looking at the Akashic records and diving into this deeply.
And I think one of the things that you bring in [00:10:16] so beautifully is this spiritual wellbeing. Like we talk about on the podcast, all elements of our wellness, all elements of our health and spiritual [00:10:24] health is often something that gets so deeply neglected. And we're looking at this on a mental and emotional wellbeing level as well.
And so You've mentioned a number [00:10:32] of times the fears, the limiting beliefs, the things that are holding these women back, and a huge piece of that is unworthiness, and I know, even myself, that's been the core [00:10:40] wound that's always resonated. I actually pendulum between being too much and being not enough, and it's like this constant battle, and I'm [00:10:48] curious, what are some of the most common fears?
What are some of the most common beliefs that you see in these women that are holding them back from living [00:10:56] their true purpose? Because like you've said, they arrive at you going, there's something more for me out there. I know I'm not probably living in full alignment with what I have to [00:11:04] offer the world, what I have to show up in and what I can even attract and then give forward and be able to be that beacon of light for others.[00:11:12]
What are some of the most common themes that are really limiting women, holding them back outside of that unworthiness? And then where do you [00:11:20] really begin to unpack that?
Morgan Fava: So like you were just explaining that oscillation between too much and not [00:11:28] enough. I see very commonly in, A fear of success or fear of failure, right?
And also a fear of [00:11:36] judgment. So whether it's judgment from family, societal expectations that we've placed on self, but the fear of like, if I step into [00:11:44] this, how will I be received? What might happen to me? Right. And we see that, which wound energy show up in that sometimes of [00:11:52] the fear of actually existing in their Power is the thing that keeps them held or stuck, the fear of being in [00:12:00] it, of being fully expressed in it and this is where there's a common thread when people are at end of life, like one of the most [00:12:08] commonly named regrets at end of life is the regret of not living fully, but living as like to others' [00:12:16] expectations, living their life according to how others wanted them to.
And so for women coming with these [00:12:24] fears of, again, it could be so in their face, the fear of success, right? That it looks like a fear of failure, which then we see the [00:12:32] very common, self-sabotaging behaviors, procrastination behaviors. Like if I don't do the thing, then I won't fear. [00:12:40] the failing of it or the fear of success.
I always associate it to of like when we're dating and it's, people who like the chase, [00:12:48] we get that dopamine hit in the chase of like putting so much of our worth into becoming this person that we [00:12:56] will elongate the process of getting there because what happens then when we become her. Then what?
Is it what's beyond that? The [00:13:04] fear of the unknown? Is it who do I have to become in order to maintain being this version of myself that, I know I came here to [00:13:12] be? And so a lot of it keeps us in this hold pattern and keeps us stuck. And so, One of the first places that I always like to [00:13:20] start is creating a practice of mindfulness.
If we're not just taking a pause each day to listen to [00:13:28] our intuition, to our higher self, whatever it is that resonates that we want to call it, but creating a daily practice. To me, any mentor I've worked with, [00:13:36] any person I see who's You know, successful in any level, they have some sort of ritual or practice that they attend to [00:13:44] themselves mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, every day they're checking in.
We live in such noise, right? There's so much externally that's [00:13:52] always wanting to distract us. And it's like, even if it's five minutes, can I check in with myself? Where am I at today? And our baseline [00:14:00] changes from day to day.
Christa: Mm hmm. You mentioned the parts and I'm fascinated with. With [00:14:08] that, I think it's really interesting and all of us can relate whether you know it or not that we have multiple personalities, right?[00:14:16]
And I think, when you see somebody with multiple personality disorder, you're like, oh, my gosh, what the heck? And really, we have those parts internally. We [00:14:24] are acclimated and we're not mentally ill to the point where they're coming out.
Right. But we all have these parts of us. And when we can relate to that [00:14:32] of feeling 1 way with 1 person and feeling differently with a different person. And it brings out the different sides of us and the different parts of us. [00:14:40] But I think it's interesting that you mentioned, like, all of those are meant to keep us safe and yet they don't always serve.
The same, the right [00:14:48] purpose. And I think it's also fascinating in my studies of that is that parts of us still feel like we legitimately are seven years old or six years [00:14:56] old. Like you just, parts of us don't even know that we're grown and we can do things. And yet it still drives [00:15:04] the fight of anxiety or avoidance or procrastination or whatever.
How do you help guide people [00:15:12] to that awareness of. The different parts of them and how to manage maybe the younger immature [00:15:20] parts of them that are just really holding them back from something and that type of work can be really, really frustrating and you don't most people I think walk around not even knowing [00:15:28] they're aggravated with themselves, not even knowing that they can have a conversation with that piece of them.
piece of themselves.
Morgan Fava: Yeah, absolutely. [00:15:36] And what you just said, right? That conversation is where the work is at. It's like, can I open up dialogue with my inner child? And first is bringing up the [00:15:44] awareness of where this part even originated. So I personally do this in the Akashic records with clients where we'll go to this [00:15:52] part.
We will identify how old it is, where it came from and then we'll set a foundation of [00:16:00] opening up dialogue in a safe space with this inner child piece. And then I always support in continuing that [00:16:08] after. So one of my favorite tools is like, once you've connected with this part because A little sidestep to this, [00:16:16] but I deeply believe in past lives and I do work in past timeline work, but I also feel like what we came here to heal [00:16:24] within ourselves, we can often address between about zero to 10.
Most of our foundation of our subconscious is laid down there. And [00:16:32] so I like to start there with clients and that's where we then go into the records and. And open up a dialogue in a journal. I do it in voice notes. Cause [00:16:40] I love to do daily walks and I encourage clients just like, talk to your inner child and kind of do this back and forth, like even role playing.
[00:16:48] You can set up two chairs and sit in one chair as you, the adult, the empowered self, and move to the other chair. As that seven year old little girl who, [00:16:56] someone told her that her voice is too much. And so she started to quiet herself and put herself in the background. And it's getting curious.[00:17:04]
That's the piece. Can I stay curious with this part? It's there, like we said, for a reason. It showed up out of protection or safety. [00:17:12] It's likely still driving the show. It's in the front seat. And so it's up to us as the aware, empowered adult to say, [00:17:20] hey, you don't have to do this part anymore.
Thank you. I appreciate you for all that you've done and this is no longer serving. I'm going to take [00:17:28] over from here and then just see how you can create safety with that part and start to release that role that they took on and then [00:17:36] you take on that role for them and let them know. It's like talking to a child, but you're talking to yourself through this reparenting process.
Sheree: Yeah, re the [00:17:44] reparenting is huge and I'm pleased that you spoke on that because it's something that I wanted to dive into with you when it comes to like [00:17:52] that in a child and I think it's such a beautiful process to sit and be in conversation with them and even, Visualizing them. I know one of the practices [00:18:00] that I am sure you gave me was actually just meeting with her and seeing what she wanted to do and seeing what activities she even wanted to get [00:18:08] up to.
Like it was 10 minutes of my morning. It didn't even have to be massive. And I sat there and sometimes she wanted to play on a giant Barbie bouncy castle. [00:18:16] Like other times she just wanted to go for a walk through the woods. And it's just being with that part of yourself or having that conversation that I [00:18:24] think is absolutely.
Gorgeous. And a lot of the times I know that when I've taken clients through in a child work, and I'm sure you've had this come [00:18:32] up is they haven't received the love that they needed from the parent. And it's not necessarily where that we're putting any blame on any parent or caregiver [00:18:40] at this point in time.
It's maybe a story we internalized or the parent couldn't show up for us in the way that we needed. And so often we're still looking for that [00:18:48] external validation. We're still looking for that external parent to give us that love we needed. And we're looking to meet that need. But. When we think [00:18:56] about this idea of reparenting ourselves, can you talk about how this process actually allows us to do that and how we can give [00:19:04] ourselves what we need versus even in this age or even if your parents are still around looking to them to heal the wound?
Because I think [00:19:12] sometimes we still look outside of ourselves for this.
Morgan Fava: Yeah, definitely. And we're taught to do that, right? It's like, how can I get this [00:19:20] sort of external validation or support? And first is the step of humanizing our parents. Like, they are [00:19:28] humans too. And they are also acting out of their wounded.
Probably unhealed inner child. A lot of the [00:19:36] time, again, we only know what we know it's how cycles continue to perpetuate. And I'm very grateful for the time that we're existing in. I [00:19:44] think a lot more people are bringing awareness to this and choosing to choose a different path. And so first is, [00:19:52] yeah, recognizing that your parent is human and they likely have their own work to do.
And what I have loved to witness in [00:20:00] this work is that a lot of times when we choose to self parent. There's this energetic ripple of it reaching to our parents, our [00:20:08] family, without us having to have any conversation, but it's just all of a sudden you see the impact of the work that you're doing on yourself, [00:20:16] go through your family line and start to awaken them to things as well.
And so the reparenting process is just that it's meeting that [00:20:24] inner child part. And. Meeting those unmet needs and often the emotions that they were feeling and [00:20:32] experiencing and creating a lot of safety for them. In that, and so, this can be done in various ways. Like you said, a lot of times it can [00:20:40] be just a connection, like, Hey, I'm here.
I see you, I'm with you, you're safe, and listening, like, what can I do for you today, or, [00:20:48] how are you feeling, so, self talk is big, you can do it in the mirror, you can do it on walks, again, you can visualize it journaling and [00:20:56] visualization are really powerful practices to bring into this I hope any one of my clients who's out there, I always encourage them [00:21:04] to put a picture of your inner child on an altar, maybe on your dashboard, on your phone background, like it's this [00:21:12] reminder to connect to that version of self.
And she's just there and whether we're doing it intentionally for a [00:21:20] moment, our subconscious is still picking up that in our field that she's there, and it allows us to connect. And through that we can identify those [00:21:28] needs that are present and then it's like okay how can I support you in that so inner dialogue is a lot of it, going back to things that you love to do as a kid.
[00:21:36] Creative things, whether it's art or dance or getting out in nature. When I was doing a lot of deep inner child work, I was back on [00:21:44] my roller skates as often as I could be. And you get to bring play into it. They talk about, like, rewiring our neural [00:21:52] pathways. And, it can, I know Joe Dispenza has deep studies on this.
And past a certain point, it can take a bit of repetition, like [00:22:00] 400 times to rewrite it. But when we do things in play, it's like 10 to 15. And so I think we tend to [00:22:08] get caught up in it. It has to be intense and serious and deep and, as humans, we love to be in our suffering [00:22:16] and our pain body.
And so it's like, we wait until we're at the rock bottom before we take that next step. But This piece with the inner child, it [00:22:24] gets to be engaging and playful. And it's like going into those moments and inviting play into it. And for some adults, that's really [00:22:32] hard. I have witnessed and seen time and time again, like playing it's challenging because we forgot how to do it.
[00:22:40] And, we don't get anything from it. We're not, you know, checking off a task or achieving something by going outside and drawing with chalk or whatever it might [00:22:48] be.
Christa: That's true.
Morgan Fava: And it is
Christa: more fun. It is more fun than adulting. Let's be real. [00:22:56] Yeah. So I love going back to the younger versions of ourselves and blocks really that, one thing that I, actively do like when I'm feeling an [00:23:04] emotion, I think, really sitting in it.
And I think that's the other part to just on the day to day, you don't it doesn't have to be this deep experience every day because we're feeling a variety [00:23:12] of emotions throughout our busy day. And it's just really interesting. The more aware you become. That you feel this tension that maybe you would just [00:23:20] would have been agitated or irritable and not done anything about right just going through the motions.
But the more you do this work, the more you're like, wait, [00:23:28] what's actually happening here? Like, wait, what? Like, let's have a conversation. And then really sitting with that emotion or that irritability that you're not [00:23:36] even quite sure why you feel so agitated. And I think it's really interesting. What will just start coming up?
Like even [00:23:44] one word things, I'm agitated, I'm overwhelmed. I feel taken advantage of, whatever. And you're like, Whoa, okay. There's a lot of stuff going on right here. And then [00:23:52] just to flow with it. Okay. Yeah. What can we do about this right now? Sometimes we can do something about it. Sometimes we can't. But I think it's just like getting in that habit [00:24:00] of being with yourself, really being like honest with yourself.
I think sometimes we just hold back from our own [00:24:08] selves, how we're actually feeling. Okay. Because we're, it's just interesting how we don't want to say my feelings are hurt. Just admit it. Yeah. We really [00:24:16] stay in this like defensive, I'm mad, I'm irritable. My feelings are just hurt. I'm sad.
And sometimes that's all it takes to release it. [00:24:24] Right.
Morgan Fava: Yeah. There's, a practice I invite clients into with that too, is for some of us, I know I fell into this too, where it [00:24:32] was like, feeling sadness made me weak. So it was just always this suppression of feelings and putting on this sort of, front.[00:24:40]
And so for a while it was hard to articulate words to feelings, to the emotions. And there's the feelings wheel that you can look up. There's like [00:24:48] PDFs of it where you can read it. And so I have clients have a hard time putting words to it. Just look at it each day. And look on the wheel [00:24:56] for the word that lands and then it reduces it all down to, I think there's like five or six core feelings, but that helps to start put words to it.
And [00:25:04] then you can get into the practice of being able to speak out loud how I feel, whether it's to somebody in a moment, like, Oh, this thing you [00:25:12] just did. Now I feel this way which helps to open that up. And When we're feeling an intense or strong feeling, we [00:25:20] often tend to want to suppress it, right?
And it's like we shut it off or it feels overwhelming. Where if we were to just allow ourselves to feel it for [00:25:28] 60 to 90 seconds, it often passes. And it's like that, right? You have to go through it, right? The only way out is through. But we often will just cut it [00:25:36] off before we even attempt to let ourselves into it because it feels scary or overwhelming and that's where those parts will jump in to like protect.
[00:25:44] And so I'll set a timer for 90 seconds and whatever the thing is, overwhelm, frustration, sadness, anger, joy, like it could be [00:25:52] anything, but I try to express that to the fullest for 90 seconds. And then it's like, Oh, okay. It [00:26:00] passed, right? It's like the wave washing on the shore. It's come and gone. Sure. It's gone out and it's gone.
And there's often no memory thought story [00:26:08] that needs to be placed to it. It's just letting yourself have that experience.
Sheree: That's so true. I always love that reminder of that 60 to 90 seconds and [00:26:16] I've, also been told, and the experience is true, when you do practice this, if it actually exists beyond that, it's typically because we're buying into a [00:26:24] story, or we're telling ourselves something, or we're wanting to indulge in the emotion.
And I know, as humans, we tend to swing between either avoidant or [00:26:32] indulgent. And it's the middle ground that we're talking about right now, which is sitting with it and sitting in it. And so, Shifting from [00:26:40] this, idea of the deep healing, and I know you mentioned it before, and I love that you brought up play, and I'd love to circle back to that as well, [00:26:48] but we've got this place where we're operating from trauma.
Right? And then you mentioned it earlier. We've also got this [00:26:56] beautiful, deep intuition. And one of the things that I love integrating or even asking myself as a practice is like, where [00:27:04] is this coming from? Is it from my intuition or is it from an unresolved trauma? And can you talk about this [00:27:12] idea of intuition and maybe like how we can tap into that and know the difference between like the wounded self and the empowered [00:27:20] self, because the work that you do with women is really helping them step into that enlightened, that empowered self and operating from that place.
Morgan Fava: just taught [00:27:28] a class on intuition, this very thing last night. So it's coming back to the foundation, our root, right? And so a lot of times [00:27:36] when we're acting out of that trauma response, we are not grounded because there's a part of us that maybe still doesn't feel safe to be in our body. And so I [00:27:44] always teach from the ground up, like we can only go as far up as we've rooted down.
And so start at the root. Find safety , [00:27:52] cultivate safety in the body, that's where the intuition is speaking to us through our psychic senses, right? And so just like we have our [00:28:00] physical senses, we have our clairs, we have our psychic senses, and our intuition is going to speak to us through that, whether it's visually, audibly.
In a [00:28:08] cognizance, which is knowing through empathy, which is feeling others emotions or sentience, which is through the physical body and we have a [00:28:16] combination of all of it happening all the time. But are those channels blocked or clogged because we're attached to the [00:28:24] trauma. And so first it's clearing up your space ground clear protect your energy.
That's the foundation to start from if, and it can be [00:28:32] as simple as going and putting your feet on the earth. Thank you And just letting anything right fall away and clear and putting your hands on your body and taking [00:28:40] some deep breaths and just starting to tune into the present moment of Okay, what's here?
And that's a first step. I always [00:28:48] encourages you got a first kind of energetic hydrating do a sweep and go through that. Because it's hard to listen and build [00:28:56] trust with our intuition when we're not in our body. And so first is being in the body and cultivating that safety. And then next is [00:29:04] where we get to play with our intuition.
Everything that we see and experience in this world has been created through imagination. And all of that is [00:29:12] through tuning in to our intuition and the ability of being the creator, right? We are creator beings. And [00:29:20] so, I love bringing play into intuition, whether it's. Playing with Oracle cards, dice, you [00:29:28] can go on walks, tap, ask your guides to speak to you just intuitively listen to what's coming up.
It's a beautiful [00:29:36] process to open up and build trust with your intuition. And there's so many ways that I could go deep into that. But yeah, [00:29:44] playing with it, getting curious. Art, creative things, music, dance, play are all ways that we can start to build trust with our intuition and start [00:29:52] small. So, if you're out for a walk, should I go left or right and let your body guide you and tune into it and just pay [00:30:00] attention to where you're being led and the signs and things that are showing up and our subconscious likes evidence.
And so then at the end of the day, it's like, [00:30:08] okay, here were three moments where I felt my intuition. Pull me towards something and I listened and this is what happened and we get to build [00:30:16] evidence and trust with our subconscious that we can trust our intuition and that guidance. And beyond all of that, to me, our body [00:30:24] is always speaking to us.
Your body is your strongest alarm system. Your body is never lying to you. Whatever it's [00:30:32] speaking, tune in, listen, ask what it needs, pay attention.
Christa: I find so many people not in tune with their body, which is interesting. I do primarily [00:30:40] physical health, right? I'm a nurse practitioner and focus mainly on health But, you know, I certainly believe in the mind body spirit connection.
And so it's just really [00:30:48] interesting how people walk through life and just don't really pay attention. It is very distracting. There is a lot of noise in the world. and how symptoms are [00:30:56] a sign. Within your body, really, adopting that view that the body is the subconscious, right?
Like you typically feel tension before you even know your [00:31:04] tense. If you start to really pay attention, if you're nervous, your stomach's all wiggly, before you even like we can all [00:31:12] relate to those kinds of things, right? A thought creates a physical sensation or physical change in our body.
And I think that's an interesting thing [00:31:20] too, that people walk around unaware of how they feel and you can, you really can allow your body to be the guide. Why am I feeling this way? Why [00:31:28] do I feel this tension? Why do I feel this? Yeah, why do I feel, pain in my neck and in my shoulders and tapping into that?
I'm [00:31:36] like, what do I do with this now and having those conversations? How do you use work to really help people reach their next level [00:31:44] in business or whatever they're pursuing in life? Like, what kind of tools do you use? really guide people through for [00:31:52] reaching their next level and really diving into their purpose and maybe even recognizing what their purpose [00:32:00] is.
Morgan Fava: So the tools that I always guide people to are like I mentioned earlier, that mindfulness piece, creating some sort of [00:32:08] practice. And how much can you make your day intentional? I believe that life is our ceremony. And if we are [00:32:16] intentional and present throughout the day, that there's sacredness in every day.
And so it's, can I be less distracted? And that [00:32:24] looks like. Discipline, which to me leads to devotion. And when we're walking in devotion, we're always going to be drawn to our path of alignment, which is going to [00:32:32] continue to lead us towards the path of purpose. To me, purpose isn't this thing, right? That we arrived to it.
It is the journey. It [00:32:40] is the whole unfolding and unraveling of it. And so having a practice having [00:32:48] Discipline and mindfulness is a huge part of that. Also working with the way that we think and speak to ourselves and not that we [00:32:56] ever get rid of that inner critic, but working with the empowered voice.
And so I deeply believe that our thoughts create our reality [00:33:04] and the way that we think and speak to ourselves is huge. And so I do a lot with subconscious reprogramming and working with like scripting [00:33:12] and manifestation practices. I always tell my clients, it's like, if you think you're being obnoxious, be more obnoxious.
Like, we have to be our own [00:33:20] biggest cheerleader. Like, you need to be that person who's like, whatever, in the football stands who's like covered in paint, foam fingers everywhere and [00:33:28] screaming and, yelling, whatever. It's like, that's the level of excitement that you need to show up for yourself.
Because if you don't, who's going to? [00:33:36] And so how can you be that loud when it comes to chasing after your dreams and knowing that the things you desire desire you right back [00:33:44] So, whether it's sticky notes all over, your walls or your house, vision boards. I love mind movies. It's like, [00:33:52] I believe in habit stacking.
So throughout my day, when I'm brushing my teeth, I'm giving gratitude. When I'm in the shower, I'm doing Ho'oponopono practice. When I go pee, [00:34:00] I'm walking through affirmations. When I'm at the gym, every rep is me working on affirmations or visioning something that I'm calling in. And I teach this to my clients [00:34:08] because that's how we become the living embodiment of what we're calling in.
That's how we shift and become an energetic match, right? It's [00:34:16] if it's love that you're calling in, if it's partnership, become that version of you, that's attracting that love yourself at that level, [00:34:24] right? Be an energetic match for that to come to you. If it's abundant, where am I showing up in lack and scarcity?
Where are my thoughts [00:34:32] still in this fear? Okay. I have awareness around it. Now I bring in this cheerleader and I'm going to empower myself in this way. And so it [00:34:40] looks a little kooky from the outside, but that's the way to do it. And I've experienced it. I've lived it. I've walked many clients through [00:34:48] it.
As humans, we want to feel important. So having a purpose is like an innate part of what we desire. But to me [00:34:56] is when we live intentionally and there's this, this Hopi saying that I always come back to it's like we wake up each [00:35:04] day Saying and knowing like today would be a good day to die because we have lived every day intentionally ceremoniously [00:35:12] We're not promised a next second And so what if my purpose is to live fully in this moment because this moment is the only moment that I have And so it's showing [00:35:20] up to life with that Life isn't happening to you.
It's happening for you. And so working on victim mindset, when we, fall [00:35:28] back into that, how can I help pull myself out of that and having tools and practices in place to help with that?
Sheree: That's beautiful. And the fact that you [00:35:36] shared that it's not just arriving at our purpose, it's the entire journey is the purpose and being intentional and showing up [00:35:44] intentionally, like everything you just said really resonated so deeply.
And I hope that it really resonated with our listeners as well, because when we [00:35:52] think about this and being so intentional every day, and then you shared about, If I wake up in the morning and I well if this is my last day like you are showing [00:36:00] up in a way that's going to be living fully you're not going to arrive on your deathbed feeling like you have so many regrets and it's not saying that you go out there and like blow all your [00:36:08] money into all the things that you want to do and then be like oh crap it's like you say living with that intent and living with that purpose and so to touch on the I [00:36:16] guess the other side of the work that you do one of the biggest things against we don't necessarily want to feel the feelings that I'm wondering [00:36:24] if you can speak to is about grief and the process of grief and obviously you've had a quite an emotional grief journey [00:36:32] yourself with losing your Nana that you spoke to and I'm wondering how If someone's just stuck in this emotional cycle of grief and they're just not able to move [00:36:40] through it, what is one piece of advice or what is one tool that you could give someone that's really feeling weighed down by that?
Morgan Fava: It's [00:36:48] not a popular opinion or feeling that people love, but you gotta be in it. Sit in it. Allow it. Feel it. [00:36:56] Like, Everybody's process with grief is different. And that's that again, like our world puts us to this. [00:37:04] process, right? Even the five stages of grief. And it's like, okay, if I move through these five steps, I'm going to arrive to this ending, this completion.
Is it [00:37:12] done yet? Is it over? Grief doesn't end. And it's something that we learn to grow around, but it becomes part of [00:37:20] us. And a lot of times if we have grief that is unprocessed, and then we meet grief again, it compounds and it just opens [00:37:28] up what we've already stuffed down. And so, Seek support and feel it.
Be with it. Like it [00:37:36] is like a wave and sometimes it's intense and sometimes it comes out of nowhere and sometimes it's soft and gentle and to [00:37:44] me, the reminder that grief teaches us how deeply we've also let love in is what has got me through a lot. [00:37:52] It's like, you can't have one without the other.
Christa: Yeah, I love that. I think that you can really. Learn a lot from grief and I [00:38:00] think the struggle with grief is The suffering comes with not accepting what is like the fight of like, I just [00:38:08] don't want it to be this way. I don't want this to have happened or this relationship to have ended or this person to have died or whatever the grief [00:38:16] is, it's that struggle with not truly being with this is how it is.
This is what it is. Mm-Hmm. . And you've just [00:38:24] gotta sit with that. And I think that that can create a lot of intense discomfort. But you're right. if you don't really sit in it and move through it in a healthy way, [00:38:32] something else in life is going to happen because that's just the nature of life.
We can't have amazing without some, not amazing. Right. It's just like how it works and then it [00:38:40] triggers it again. And I think that you're right. There is no, just like any other emotion, just like anything else. Like there's no way, but through [00:38:48] it to really move through it in a healthy way.
Right. So,
Morgan Fava: yeah, absolutely. Yeah. in that is to not want to like numb it, escape it [00:38:56] and avoid it. Cause it will show back up. And that tends to be like, our initial responses. I don't want to feel it. It feels like I might die myself if I [00:39:04] actually open it up and let this in. And so, let it in slowly and be with it and everyone's process is different.
Sheree: And it's beautiful [00:39:12] that you mentioned that it doesn't just go away. Right? Like we learn to live with it. And it's not that we're trying to rush through this process or [00:39:20] arrive. I guess it's the same in terms of living your We're not just arriving at this destination. Cool. I tick the boxes and I'm here.
I'm not grieving anymore. [00:39:28] It's a learning to be with that part of ourselves and honor that part of ourselves and knowing that there's going to be a wave and it may be two, three years down the track that you feel that [00:39:36] again, it's not just, okay, I've worked through these five stages of grief and suddenly I'm clear and I'm It's doing the work. And I think that's probably the theme [00:39:44] that's coming through this entire conversation is constantly showing up. Constantly having that conversation, allowing that part of ourselves to be here [00:39:52] through these beautiful different tools that you've shared, because it's meeting all of those different parts and allowing all of those [00:40:00] different parts, but actually knowing how to do that.
And I think potentially, and you could probably speak to this, that's where a lot of the fear would even come from at the beginning. Like we don't even [00:40:08] have that level of awareness. And then when we do, it's like, oh crap, I've opened the lid. Let me put the lid back on because I don't know [00:40:16] how to deal.
Like, I've stuffed it down for so long. I don't know how to deal with it now that I've opened this can of worms. Like, what do I do with all this emotion coming up? So [00:40:24] whether it is grief, whether it is, working through the inner child work. And then. Even the judgment that can happen around feeling the joy we've [00:40:32] talked about play a little bit and this need to always be productive or living on purpose or doing things that are, very, [00:40:40] masculine energy, which is that doing energy instead of that being energy, we've suppressed such a huge part of ourselves to to allow the joy to [00:40:48] even be present and accept that that's part of adulthood too.
Morgan Fava: Yeah, absolutely. I've done many a sits with grandmother [00:40:56] ayahuasca and was met several times with guilt for experiencing joy in those spaces while others were in deep [00:41:04] grief. And then have also been on the other side of that and, was talking to one of my shaman at some point around, like, part [00:41:12] of the purging that comes out in those spaces sometimes is intense laughter and how we do suppress our joy a lot of times.
And it's even more [00:41:20] so than the sad or the hard stuff a lot. And so as adults, it's letting ourselves feel all of the things fully. And I would say, if you [00:41:28] have a hard time with that, look to like a two or three year old, and they will teach you really well how to feel all of the things in the biggest of [00:41:36] ways.
Christa: I love that. Well, thank you so much for this conversation. I think it's been really helpful. I hope that, people [00:41:44] listening can feel this conversation and know that it's okay to get deep. I think some people really skirt the edges of these kind of conversations and are like, [00:41:52] I don't know.
I'm not a spiritual person. I'm not. Yes, you are. You're just ignoring that. We're all spiritual beings [00:42:00] having a human experience, right? And I think that yeah, I really hope that for anyone listening, that was like tiptoeing around this, that you really are open [00:42:08] to. Exploring and, learning the depths of who you really are.
Where can people find you if they want to work directly with you? and [00:42:16] what capacity do you offer work with you?
Morgan Fava: So I'm on Instagram under my name, it's Morgan Fava. And then my website is the same. [00:42:24] I have a separate Instagram for my Datula work, which is dancing through death. And all of my offerings are available on my website for both of those.
I do [00:42:32] one on work, one on one work, like immersive containers on a limited basis, and then I offer digital [00:42:40] programs, and I have a new live program launching right now, which is called Claim Your Destiny, and it's a six week journey of awakening to our [00:42:48] purpose and using a lot of different tools that we talked about today to do that.
So yeah, you can find it all there.
Sheree: Beautiful. We'll pop all of that in our show notes as [00:42:56] well. And I strongly recommend even just reaching out, like connecting with Morgan, like looking at your beautiful content that you put out regularly. Like I just, I love it. And [00:43:04] you have such a beautiful energy. So thank you so much for your time today.
Thank you for showing up and sharing beauty of the work that you do with the world and being like having such an [00:43:12] open, honest conversation.
Morgan Fava: Thank you. Thank you for having
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