For all things health, personal development and business
It is here! My annual favourite books compilation, the 2024 edition!
Don’t you just love reading! One would assume so because here you are… honestly it has been one of my favourite past times since I was little and I am so grateful it is a habit I have long-since continued.
Aside from increasing my knowledge and deepening my personal development, my love of reading is a true nourishment for my nervous system. Whilst I used to make sure everything I read was learning, learning, learning… When you are working all day and your brain is on and all about communicating knowledge, it can feel overwhelming to ‘learn more’. Which is why I am such an advocate for fictional books too. I tend to read these in the evening to help me unwind.
This year, I broadened my book genre selections too, as I dabbled in audiobooks which made it easier to work through some that I may not have taken the time to sit down and read. So I hope you enjoy the selection I have put together for you below!
P.S. Every week I pull quotes, insights, or research from a book I am reading that I have personally loved, related to personal development, health, wellness, hormones, gut health, spirituality and sometimes business in my newsletter…(and if you aren’t getting that be sure to click here). Also be sure to bookmark this blog for future reference!
In no particular order other than how they popped into my mind
- The Untethered Soul – Michael Alan Singer
One that I have personally picked up a number of years ago, gotten part way through and not finished (I tend to do this with a lot of books, you’ll understand why in a second). However, I found this recently when I was moving things around, and like many instances with the books I read, the divine timing was there. I am in a far more spiritually mature place than I was a few years ago, and not only did the material make more sense, but it was exactly what my heart and soul needed to hear at this exact time in my life. It is a book that is truly nourishing for the soul and offers a deeper understanding and perspective on life, self-awareness and the spiritual journey home to oneself. Here is one of my favourite lessons/insights from the book (plus my two cents):
“Do you want to be happy or do you not want to be happy? It’s really that simple… Once you decide you want to be unconditionally happy, something inevitably will happen that challenges you… Billions of things could happen that you haven’t even thought of yet. The question is not whether they will happen. Things are going to happen. The question is whether you want to be happy regardless of what happens.” – The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer
This is something that I have learnt and felt deeply these past few months. We always have a choice. And yes, bad things will happen, but we hold the power to sit with them and move through them, get support if we need to and operate from a state of love and empowerment. Or we can play the victim. Ultimately, the only person who ends up suffering if you choose the latter is you. No one else controls your emotions or your reactions.
*said with love, but hopefully some food for thought - The Beauty Guide – Dr Libby Weaver
The Beauty Guide is for my low-tox girlies who not only want to have beautiful glowing skin (from the inside out), but also do the inner work to and navigate the connection to their internal beauty and self-love. Dr Libby is an incredible author, speaker and very much someone I admire in the health and wellness space. This book is full of practical and tangible tips for you to apply. - Come As You Are – Emily Nagoski
Come As You Are is more for my girlies wanting to get their spice back in the bedroom and reconnect to their sexuality. We really don’t talk about this enough, and low libido is something a lot of women come to me struggling with. This book is great because it removes a lot of the stigmas and shares the massive differences between men and women when it comes to sex as well as how to optimise your sexual health! Have fun with this one. - Girls That Invest – Simran Kaur
For anyone who is overwhelmed by savings, stocks, investing, budgeting, this book is a godsend. I have had an interest in financial freedom and literacy since before starting my business, but like most important life things… We aren’t taught any of this in school, so it can be easy to be put off. Simran Kaur breaks things down with such ease and is super factual but in a way that makes sense. I’m not sure about you, but I’m still confused watching The Big Short. So if this sort of thing is your jam, I cannot recommend this book enough. - The Metabolism Reset – Lara Briden
Literally hot off the press this year. Lara Briden is one of my favourite authors in the health and wellness space, especially hormone health, so to see her bring out this book on how the metabolism works, and the differences we experience as females, I knew it was a must read. - Happy Sexy Millionaire – Steven Bartlett
I absolutely devoured this book in just shy of a week. Listening to it whilst I was driving, cooking, packing, you name it. Not only is his voice divine, but his unapologetic, unfiltered, uncanny approach to life really captivated me. The title sounds like a business book a ‘how to get rich’ type of read, (and before you gloss over the title thinking it may be unrelatable to you – this book is about fulfilment, love and success and the unexpected reality we can find ourselves in if we are chasing external validation or living in comparison). With everything from gratitude to how to spend your time more wisely, I love love loved this book! - Recovery – Russell Brand (Audiobook if you can because his voice isπ₯)
Healing my relationship with food was one of the best things I ever did to help me heal my gut, fix my metabolism and balance my hormones. When we realise food is an addiction and one that we have to constantly face every day it can be really hard. Whilst Brand’s book isn’t specifically about food, the idea around beating addiction and the steps that can be taken are super interesting. Plus his voice does things to me, so audiobook all the way on this one haha! - 10x Is Easier Than 2x – Dan Sullivan & Dr. Benjamin Hardy
This business based book is for all of those entrepreneurs out there, but the concepts of it can be applied to any area you want to excel in life. The introduction shares the story of Michael Angelo as an artist and how he came to be such an incredible success. The concept sounds both simple and scary at the same time right… doing 10x the work, but getting 10x the results. This book came highly recommended and didn’t disappoint. It literally changed my entire way of thinking, I am currently in the process of applying to it too, so get ready for things to 10X up in here! - Healing is the New High – Vex King
“The trauma you suffered during your childhood could be governing the way you handle experiences and your emotions right now.”
I’ve been very aware of the amount of conscious conversations I have been having right now, and honestly it makes me so happy hearing how many people are reflecting on the conditioning they had as children and how it now impacts them now. We as a collective I feel are moving towards a level of self-awareness we haven’t experienced before and it is empowering! One of the biggest things that helped me with my learning in this area and reflecting on my childhood was not coming at it from a place of blame towards my parents and honouring the fact that they did the best they could at the time. Just like we do every single day. Yes, our childhood has shaped our perception of the world, but I strongly believe that it is all here for our healing, and as we peel back layer by layer, everything that comes up is simply looking to be met with love. So it is our responsibility to do the work. If you are new to this work and the personal development world, then this book this quote is from is a great starting point too. Happy healing! - Fiction Reads (Smutty Series Hehe)
As someone whose brain is constantly on, it is important to have time to unwind, which is why I’ve read soooo many fiction this year and honestly listened to more non-fiction books to ensure I was still making my way through them.Here are 3 of my favourite series below:
Claire Kingsley has become one of my absolute favourite fiction authors, thank you Natasha (my beautiful client) for the introduction to her books
The Miles Family Series – Claire Kingsley
This is your typical smutty, fiction based ‘nana-porn’ as one of my dear clients calls it. But hey, I am nothing but honest with you guys and these sorts of books are my jam. My nervous system also loves them as I can completely switch off and get lost in a story. It’s based at a Family Vineyard and there’s quite the drama that carries on throughout. I am currently up to book 4 of 5 and still cannot pick a favourite sibling! Word to the wise, read this after the ‘Dirty Martini Running Club Series’ and ‘Jetty Beach Series’. It’s not a prerequisite, but you might just notice some overlaps in the characters. Not my usual recommendation, but I hope you enjoy it! And don’t forget to follow it up with the Bailey Brothers + Haven Brothers series. I may have devoured the first 4 books in this series in a matter of weeks! If you’re after a bit of a tear jerker and broody romance with some steamy scenes then you’ve hit the jackpot with this one. Enjoy!Valentine Texas – Lyra Parish
To say I devoured this like I’d devour a pavlova on Christmas day would be an understatement… because I enjoyed these a lot more! These books are everything you want in a hot cowboy romance series. Anyone wanna join me on a trip to Texas haha! They’re not only steamy (yay!), but super romantic. Really will pull on your heart strings. Considering I’m in my single girl era, these have been really inspiring in terms of finding a deep love that a man will fight for – truly in his masculine (and don’t roll your eyes at me, I am a hopeless romantic). I started these a few weeks ago, and am already onto the 4th one. Like I said D-VOUERED! Enjoy xoThe first one in this series was in here last year, but I finished the series early this year, it was such a good series I thought it was worth the double mention:
A Court of Thorn and Roses – Sarah J. Maas
A 5 book series of fiction, fae and some steamy scenes. I love all things mystery and fantasy, and the first book had me hooked, and I could not put this series down. The family dynamics, the twists and turns, the childhood trauma and seeing it be played out into their lives as they grow up over the seasons is pretty powerful. If you enjoy fiction this series will not disappoint! It’s also a perfect one to get lost in over the holiday season, enjoy π
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