However this isn’t the only side effect/symptom(s) that aren’t made abundantly clear (that should be), others include:
– anxiety
– increased incidence of depression
– weight gain
– insomnia
– low mood/mood swings
– migraines/headaches
– painful sex, vaginal dryness
– thyroid imbalances
– low libido
– nutrient depletion; vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
– clitoral shrinkage
– skin issues
– hair loss
– leaky gut
– intensifies blood clot risks
– increases risk of breast, cervical and liver cancers
– triggers autoimmune disease
– increase risk of diabetes
… even partner attraction can be altered!
The pill is also associated in decreased stress response, particularly with cortisol imbalances making women less able to cope with stress, decreasing memory function and increasing brain fog
“…should be warning women that they could get depressed on the pill”
– Sarah Hill pHD from her book This Is Your Brain On Birth Control
The pill tends to be handed out to women with symptoms or conditions such as breakthrough bleeding, dysmenorrhoea, poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, acne and ovarian cysts as a ONE SIZE FITS ALL SOLUTION
When in reality, it shuts down your natural hormone production and the communication between your brain and ovaries – which actually makes matters worse!